Stop hearing also the direct signal

Hi! I need help removing the direct signal from instruments I plug into the inputs of my sound card when running GigPermformer 4.5.8.

I have an AMD Ryzen 9 5950X PC with 32 GB RAM and a Steinberg UR44 sound card. I am very happy with GigPermformer, and use the program primarily to play VST instruments via MIDI. I also have some synthesizers, guitars, etc., which I like to play through GigPermformer to add plugins. I then plug the instrument into one of the six inputs in the sound card. Then the problem arises that I also hear the direct signal from the instrument

When I run Cubase 12 Pro, I hear the sound from instruments plugged in after the sound has been processed in Cubase. This is unless I have on direct monitoring. In GigPermformer I hear two parallel signals; one direct (unprosessed) signal and one processed signal. If I drag the Gain and Balance all the way down in GigPermformer, I still hear the direct signal at full strength, but without plugins. If I set Gain to full in GigPermformer, the two signals were mixed. Then the direct signal essentially disappears from the sound image.

I hope someone can help me so that I don’t have to hear the direct signal that enters my sound card, so that I only hear the signal that has been processed in GigPermformer.

This has been discussed many times. The issue is that your audio interface is passing the dry signal to the output. You need to disable that in your audio interface.

Cubase presumably knows how to do that automatically since Cubase and your audio interface are both from Steinberg

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Thank you for quick response.

If there are other GigPerformer users who have a UR sound card, I am happy for tips on how to turn off the function that pass the dry signal in sound cards from Steinberg.

I opened the control panel program for the UR44, and set “DAW” to Solo.

Then GigPerformer works as it should without the direct signal getting through. It may cause problems in Cubase, but at least then I know how to solve the problem in GigPerformer :slight_smile:


Glad you solved it. It should not cause problems in Cubase.

That said, I do not know if Cubase will “reset” that option so that the next time you run GP you might have to set it again. If you can, please let us know here, that’s useful information for others.