Stereo cross fader

In this line of thought…Say you had several button widgets stacked upon each other and all belonging to the same group. Is there any way to copy all of them at the same time and paste…instead of having to move each one into view for copy & paste?

I don’t understand, If you select more widget at the same time, you can copy/cut and past all of them at the same time… :thinking:

That is true. But if several are stacked behind the first you must move every one of them in order to use shift-click to copy them all. I suppose this would be the only way. Then, after pasting them into the new panel, you would just vertically re-align them.

I do this a bit with stacked widgets and think a click+drag to draw a selection rectangle usually works well to select all layers.


Hmmm…I’ll have to try this when I get back on my computer. Thanks!

I do it like @rank13.

I used the X fader today and it works well. I was thinking, could it be modified to carry out a pan from left to centre, or right to centre etc?

Solution #1

  • add a red balance knob
  • put it in a widget group together with the crossfade knob of the X-Fader
  • map the balance knob to a mixer pan knob

Solution #2

  • in the wiring view route the same audio source to the mixer 1-2 and 3-4 inputs
  • set the balance of channels 1-2 on the left
  • set the balance of channels 3-4 on the right
    => but here it could be that you have to adjust the two slider curve to get a proper pan law (I will have to think about it)

Added some features to the x-fade script which may be handy for some of you!

  • used CC numbers are now exposed as parameters (were hardcoded to #1 + #2)
  • value scaling: crossfade was interpolating between 0-100. In terms of dB, they were crossfading at +6dB. By introducing a value multiplier, they now interpolate between 0 dB.

X-Fade (1.2 KB)