Is there an option to change the Song Lyrics window to dark mode rather than the white background / black lettering? That white window really stands out on stage, hence giving up all of my “cheatsheet” secrets
I’ve been working on an extension that should be ready in a few weeks. It’s an alternate viewer to the inbuilt GP lyrics/chords window. It still requires you to setup the lyrics/chords/images in GP’s editor, but after that you can use the extension.
Awesome! Looking forward to this.
Any news on an update to this extension?
I have it almost ready. The one further delay will be that it will need to coincide with the next GP update (I don’t know when that will be). @dhj has made a change to the Extension SDK to support this extension.
This looks awesome! Any chance of marrying this with your amazing rackspace /song selector extension? That to me has become indispensable! I love the color coding option, makes picking the right variation/song part on the fly quick on a touchscreen, not to mention a much better scrolling experience than the built-in user interface! I usually have that and the lyrics window open side by side, so making them into one would be awesome! Although I would probably want the lyrics window pop out to be optional.
I’m re-using a lot of the Selector extension, but this will only show songs and the linked ChordPro file.
Gotcha! You mean no panel view option for rackspaces?
No rackspaces. Because the focus of this extension is a viewer for Lyrics/Chords, and Gig Performer has these stored against the song, it’s easier to manage as a song-only extension.
That makes sense! This extension looks great too! I like that it can be maximized and (I’m assuming) snap back into position/size. That’s my biggest beef with the current lyrics window. I usually have it a certain size in a certain position, but occasionally I need it maximized. The only way to do that is by dragging the edge. But left edge is near your extension and the right edge is of course near the right edge of the screen and inevitably either the extension or the windows right edge pop out gets activated. So I first have to drag the entire window up and left, then I can drag the lower right corner down and right. All this live, by touch is less than ideal to say the least. I wish there was a maximize button that would also snap back into previous size/position. Hopefully some day!
Link: Lyrics/Chords Extension