Sending PC from widget - I don't understand the relation between value and curve

I’m trying to set up widgets to select between three presets on Helix Native (PC values 0, 1 and 2).

However, there’s something I’m missing between the relation between the value curve and the actual value sent to the plugin. Valid PC messages are 0-127, but the curve give me values of 0-100.

Switch 1 and 2 seem to work (sending PC 0 and 1 respectively), but switch 3 somehow skips several presets and jumps to preset 003 (which corresponds to PC 3). Is this because there’s some internal translation mapping value 0-100 onto PC 0-127, meaning that the raw value 2 gets “translated” to a PC slightly above 2? Or is there something else going on here?

All switches are set to radio group 2, and they do not send messages when turned off.

I don’t understand why there can’t just be an input parameter allowing us to input a raw value instead of going via the curve, but that’s a separate discussion I guess.

For the scaled value set the max value by typing 2m instead of 2.


…which would internally scale the floating point value of the widget to a midi valid integer value (0-127) - or rather the oposite way around: Scale a midi value to the corresponding widget value.

That works, thanks a lot :+1:

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