Hi, new user here. Recently I put all my pedals, mixer, mini pc and midi controller on a pedalboard. I had some space left and was able to squeeze in dreadbox Typhon. Got everything wired up and works great,… Except for one thing; to get the Typhon start his sequencer when I hit the start button on nanokontrol2. Maybe this isn’t the right place to ask, but I went through all the manuals and I’m stuck. Maybe someone knows a workaround in gig performer.
Situation; mini pc gets midi cc from nanokorg through usb. Cc41 on midi channel 1; Play/stop button in gig performer works as soon as I hit the start button on the nanokorg. Focusrite soundcard is connected with the mini-pc through USB, the midi out from the focusrite is connected to the midi in on the python. The python does respond to the incoming midi (I can see a parameter changing as soon as I hit the start button on the nanokorg) but the sequencer doesn’t start.
I tried to change cc41’s output to a different midi cc with a midi filter in gig performer, but as far as I can tell start/stop function isn’t a midi cc value. Went through the cc lists and python’s manual, but I cannot find anything on this matter. Wish python had some sort of midi learn function.
Maybe someone knows a way to get it working, thanks in advance.
Put a Typhon-Midi out block in the global rackspace, give it a handle (say ‘typhon’), enable GPScript and try following script as a global rackspace script.
typhon : MidiOutBlock
start, stop : MidiMessage
start := MakeMidiMessage1(0xfa)
stop := MakeMidiMessage1(0xfc)
On SystemEvent(newValue : double) Matching PlayheadStateChanged
if newValue == 1.0 then
SendNowExternal(typhon, start)
elsif newValue == 0.0 then
SendNowExternal(typhon, stop)
Thanks a million, I’ll try the script tonight and will share the outcome. In the meantime friend of mine pointed out that curtain midi cables don’t send start-stop messages, but I checked and it’s din so shouldn’t be a problem, and Typhon responded to the start-press on the nanokontrol (in case someone is running into the same kind of problems). Also I found something about NRPN values. I might mail dreadbox to see if they have additional info, but if the provided script works, I’m a happy camper.
@Joggum unfortunately I couldn’t get the script to work. Since I’m not a coder (that’s one of the reasons I purchased software like gig performer, to me the nod-based interface is very visual) I tried to look for other solutions. Finally came across a solution with pure data, and with some small additional changes in gig performer I was able to link with pure data and sent (grammaticasters; is the correct term send?) start/stop messages from nanocontrol to Typhon and (most importantly) get the BPM in sync, even with a changing tempo when I use tap tempo. For my setup this is a better solution, since I don’t need to include the Typhon in every rackside.
Don’t now if I end up with this solution though, with a plugin like stepic I’m able to basically do the same thing (and even more since stepic has 8 modulation sequencers, the ability to use different tempo and cc support) without linking to external software. Only downside; Typhon’s built-in effects won’t be in sync. Maybe I end up with a combination of stepic and pure data.