Selecting Song Parts In Setlists

So when you click on the 2nd song part, nothing happens?
Also when you move the cursor down key on your computer keyboard, nothing happens?

Maybe just reinstall Gig Performer?

By the way, how looks your About screen?

This odd behaviour has been reported a few times. The last user who has this problem was using Windows and advised they reinstalled GP and the issue was resolved.

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I have done a fresh install of GP and the problem is solved!!
Thank you so much for all your help


This is weird. I’m wondering what’s going on that causing this to happen on multiple machines and yet a re-install fixes it. @Rajive did you download GP again or did you just reinstall from your previous download? Also had you installed anything else after you installed GP? I’m wondering if something replaced one of the Windows DLLs and broke Gig Performer? (Wild speculation here)

Hi. I just reinstalled GP again. It was strange problem and I suspect it was caused by a windows update