Script to Send a CC Message Out


From the Rackspace Script, I would like to send a message into and thru this block to the virtual port that it represents.


It seems like I’ve tried every way but the right one …

            ccm =  MakeControlChangeMessage( cn, cv )
            //SendNowToMidiOutDevice("MIDI Out (loopMIDI DAW to KMo)", ccm)
            //SendNowToMidiOutDevice("KMo_Port", ccm)     // compiles
            //SendNowExternal("MIDI Out (loopMIDI DAW to KMo)", ccm)
            //SendNowExternal( KMo_Port, ccm)
            //SendNowExternal( "KMo_Port", ccm)
            //SendNow("MIDI Out (loopMIDI DAW to KMo)", ccm)
            //SendNow( KMo_Port, ccm )

Can someone tell me the correct way to do it?

SendNowExternal( KMo_Port, ccm)

Compiles fine for me — it would have been helpful if you had indicated what error you were getting. I’m betting you didn’t declare the correct type of MIDI block and the error message was totally correct telling you the type wasn’t compatible

   KMo_Port : MidiOutBlock

   ccm : ControlChangeMessage =  MakeControlChangeMessage( 14, 1 )

   SendNowExternal(KMo_Port, ccm)


OK, got it. Thanks much!

For the record, the problem was a combination of needing to get the correct type, and needing to observe correctly the case of all the letters in the var name.