Script for Resetting Current Rackspace

I use Dexed as my synth and like to alternate between a regular keyboard and an MPE controller. Dexed has logic to disable MPE when it detects a regular keyboard, but no matching logic to re-enable it. There’s also no way to map that MPE switch to a MIDI command.

I believe I could use presets to revert Dexed back to it’s initial saved state, but then I would need a script that can check which rackspace is currently loaded and then load the correct preset for each one.

It would be much simpler if I could just trigger the “Revert Rackspace to Last Saved Version” action. Would the GP team consider adding a keyboard binding to this, or a new GPScript command for it? With the keyboard binding I could make an applescript that does the reset, but a GPScript command would be more direct.

Interesting use case. What do you use MPE for? Can you tell a little bit more about you setup and how you use it?

What you could try to get an ‘initialized’ DeExed with reenabled MPE is using GP Presets.

Just save your desired state as a GP user preset, and load it when needed by GPScript with LoadGPPreset()
You could create (and maintain) a preset for every rackspace and recall it on demand…

What I don’t understand: why do you want o crawl through every rackspace? I assume that you have dedicated instances of DeExed in each rackspace - they are independent from each other. Every instance should provide their own state incl. MPE on/off?

Did you check if this is OK, or if DeExed stores these global options ‘outside’ the state/GP?


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I use Midi Guitar 3 with a pedal steel guitar. So the MIDI data can either be coming from my Yamaha MX61 (MIDI 1.0) or my MG3 setup (MPE). I handle the MIDI in the global rackspace and send it to child rackspaces, one for each synth, most of which are Dexed.
Dante.gig (226.3 KB)

The User Preset approach should work, but I was hoping to not have to maintain a separate list of saved states for each Dexed index when I am already doing so via the Rackspace itself. Maybe this is an indication that I should stop using rackspaces to save different instances of Dexed and just use user presets instead. I would update my gig file so I have one rackspace per VST and then use presets to change between different save states of that VST. So one “Dexed” rackspace and then presets for “E.Piano” “Lead” etc.

Yes the MPE flag is saved per VST, so there’s no need to crawl through every rackspace.

I still feel it would be useful to have a script command that resets a rackspace to its initial state though.