Saving plugin state

Perhaps, but thanks to GP, if you can assign and thus control the plugin SongKey parameter using a widget, IT WILL BE SAVED AND PROPERLY RECALLED by GP without having to wait for anything else!

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Not in this case. I experimented with other controls on the plugin interface and they all worked and were saved on recall. When it comes to the songkey control, it did work in a set over several rack spaces, but would not save in the gig file. When I reloaded the gig file, all the settings were lost. In this case, the bug that the developers agree is there, is preventing the key being saved.

Thanks to everyone who has offered help. Thankfully, the bass plugin is intelligent enough to select the correct notes anyway despite the key not being set. So its back to waiting for an update to fix the bug.

The widget value will always be saved in the gig file and recalled from it on load. If you think that somehow this did not change the parameter within the plugin you attached that widget to - that’s a strange bug in a plugin to have and highly unlikely.

I wrote “IF you can assign and thus control the plugin SongKey parameter using a widget”. And it is still not clear IF you succeed to assign a widget to the SonKey parameter and controlled it from the widget. But, again, IF you succeeded then “IT WILL BE SAVED AND PROPERLY RECALLED by GP”.

Initially, I was expecting the mapped widget to actively move the key selection pop up list up an down, so I tried using a slider then a rotary widget. When the key selection list didn’t respond, I made this posting. After further advice, I just tried a button and mapped that in its “on” state. When I clicked the ‘learn parameter’, the plugin interface popped up and I clicked on the key I wanted. However, whilst in the set list the key was remembered, it wasn’t recalled on loading the gig file as I mentioned. Have I missed a step here?

From the developers:
“I’m terribly sorry, you found a last minute Issue we’ve missed. The Key Selection should get saved within Session/Project saving, but it’s somehow broken and thus we’ve to create an update”

This issue is probably affecting the widget interaction do you think?

I don’t think so, this issue is what make the use of an assigned widget mandatory to save the state.

This would suggest that you don’t control the right parameter with your widget. :thinking:
(By the way, it cannot be controlled using a switch widget because the key parameter is a multi valued parameter and you will thus need a slider or a knob widget for this. So anyway, it cannot work with a switch widget.)

If you assigned a knob widget to the plugin key parameter using the GP learn parameter, then it should be the right parameter… When you assign the SongKey parameter to a knob widget, moving it really doesn’t move the key in the plugin window ? And what about changing the key in the plugin window, does it modify the assign knob widget value ?

No, it doesn’t move it.

Nothing happens as I said above.

I thought that because the knob/slider had no effect, then using a switch and manually selecting the required key using the mouse, then the two might lock together.