Sampler VST/PlugIn suggestions

Hi I am looking for suggestions for a Sampler to Use in GP.
I am currently a hardware user, but want to begin using GP for backing tracks, and sample playback, and some sound effects. For a Pink Floyd cover band (yea, another one of those) :slight_smile: And other band that does covers.
I’ve been looking for a few weeks and can’t seem to find anything that has what I want. I currently use a Nord Stage 3, and with its Sample Editor, I can upload some sounds and define a loop, assign it to a key and I’m done. But I don’t want to have to keep removing Nord sounds to make room for my new ones. I’d rather do all that on the new windows laptop that I bought for this purpose.
I am looking for a sampler that can do what the Nord can do:
-Play Stereo samples
-Define/play looped samples; define the loops start and stop. (I’ve seen some samplers that do loops but the Loop Start has to be the beginning of the sample. This wont work for me on Shine On Crazy Diamond (I) - beginning pad.
-Ability to sync a click to the play back. Stereo and click means that the sampler can output multiple tracks/parts, not just a max of 2. I bought a PlayAudio1U interference that has 12 outs on the back, so I am covered there.
-I am a noob with this VST/Plugin world, but I want to be able to call up a song in GP, and it contains the sampler plugin with the specific samples loaded an mapped for that song. And then go to another song in GP, an it’s specific samples are loaded an mapped ( to the keyboard). When I watch review videos, I see a lot of how a plugin can help create sounds and sample sounds, which is fine, but I am currently just focused on the playback functionality (for now)

  • I looked at decent sampler (because it seems to be mentioned often) but I can’t confirm it can play back stereo samples, or play to multiple outputs. And I am unsure about a synced click track ability.

For backing tracks, I feel that the GP Audio File Player should be able to do what I want, but I just cant find a sampler.

What do you all use for looped sample playback, backing tracks etc?

I am using Kontakt from Native Instruments.
Loops I create with a software called Endless Wav.

I see that there is a free Kontact player. Do you use Endless Wav to generate/manipulate a sample, adding loop points etc, to get it into a format Kontact can read? In general would I need two programs? I assume you like the functionality these two give you.

I see the Endlass Wav webpage and videos are in German. Is the UI in English?

To get started, I’d recommend Decent Sampler - link below. It’s free. You can record/create your own samples and make the loops in DS. There are a ton of YouTube videos from David Hilowitz and many others that cover all aspects of it. It’s standalone as well as a VST for GP, and GP even has a Decent Sampler XML generator. After getting familiar with Decent Sampler, then creating virtual instruments in NI Kontakt is a lot easier if you want to go the pay for it route.

But before you do anything, watch as many YT vids on Decent Sampler as each person has different information of various other programs they use to create, e.g. record and manipulate, the samples and their quality/characteristics. You might not appreciate how eisoteric that can get - but you don’t have to, especially when starting off. The only paid program I’d recommend as part of the journey is a good XML code editor, and in that category I’d recommend the Sublime text editor.

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Thanks. I have seen a number of videos on Decent Sampler. Including a few from David Hilowitz.
To play back a stereo sample, how would you have a click track on a 3rd output synced to the sample? Would that just be a (mono) sample of a click played at the same time?

You can use a 2nd decent sampler and route that output to a separate output of your audio device

I used the in the past for simple single shots, simple loops etc. also quite powerful!

I’m trying to switch to the GP streaming audio player to trigger samples. I like that the full sample is not loaded into ram (not sure if that is the case with other options mentioned).