Looks like a really great setup. Thanks for sharing it! S-Gear is on sale right now too (thru Oct 21, 2024)
Q. Is there a way (a sequence of tasks to perform in order) with a rackspace like this, or the corresponding gig, to get it to load with all the widgets connected to the plugin(s)? (IOW, to avoid having to reconnect every widget manually.)
I interpret it as saying that every single widget must be connected manually the first time. Please confirm.
IOW, GP will not know “this widget was connected to this parameter of the S-Gear plugin, which the user has, therefore I will connect it up.” Right? (too much to hope for!)
I made a montrous rackspace with most of the things I use. From this rackspace I extract the S GEAR PART.
My goal was :
Be able to use each amp with my favorite effects and control these effects with my Foot controller
Be able to mix S GEAR amps and a multi amps set-up using the audio mixer.
Also be able to take any of the pre and post effects of S GEAR and put them in front or after the amps of S Gear (or any other amp plug-in) And most importantly be able to keep the state of the effects and amp(s) within a variation
Be able to use the Audio player or the Video player plug-in as a learning tool or just to jam.
Everything seem to work.
I left space on the Audio mixer for more plug-ins
be aware I am very far from being an expert with GP5 so may there is an easiest way to do that…
I left an audio file in multi mode (You can take out the guitar part or other parts if you want) as well as a MP4 video to test the set-up.
I made a PRESET BANK including a master preset for each of S GEAR’s instances needed in this rackspace.
A great, even more extensive collection of panels for S-Gear, thanks Fatherjacques!
I wonder if we could try an experiment, which is to post it as a .gig file?
IOW, take your big Gig, discard all but these S-Gear bits, and save that and post it. I would be very interested to see if anything arrives already connected (since I have licensed S-Gear here) via that route.
I have been working to get the panels here wired up locally to the plugin parameters. In most cases the names on the panel and the names of the S-Gear plugin parameters are well-matched and all is well.
There are a few items though on the panels that do not appear to have named matches in the S-Gear plugin parameter list. Some of these I have found by trial-and-error on the blank listings, but there are some that I have not yet been so lucky with.
All of the several ‘Parallel’ button/LEDs seem not to have any named matches in the S-Gear plugin parameter list (based on both examination and a search for “parallel”).
Fatherjacque, could you perhaps take a look in your own gig (presumably it is fully connected) and post here the S-Gear plugin param #'s that correspond to those items?
S-Gear is a bit unique as it dynamically changes the parameter numbers depending on what racks/effects you’ve added. I wish they had gone with a static parameter assignment.