Rig Manager midi in

Please upload your gig and the export of the rig manager.

rig manager test.gig (89.1 KB) Thanks very much, I have setup a test gig. I have not added any associations other than one controller for the Roland USB2. When i select Roland USB2 i see all midi data at rigmanager level. No note data passes to rackspace. I had to rename the gigmanager export to txt as would not allow file type to upload. [rig manager test.gig|attachment]Gig Performer Rig Setup.txt (12.3 KB) (upload://sGs2ccvC7hLK0iATLZ85F5rNbVM.gig) (89.1 KB)

OK, I imported your Rig Manager and associated my physical Midi Device

And it is working.

so going to a rigspace you have note data? Checking with midi monitor i have no data passing to rigspace. Uploading: imagimage e.png…

That cannot work as you are using Roland USB 1 in your rackspace as the MIDI In Plugin.

Unless I’m missing something:

  • You should have a SINGLE rig manager alias for “Roland”.
  • When you get the issue of the midi port changing, you simply right-click the “Roland” alias and select “Associate MIDI Device” and choose the new port.
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yes thats the association i could not find, i assumed you could direct the new device to that midi in block. So for this to work i have to change every midi in plugin or use omni? I have a set list of 50 songs each with multiple midi input blocks that would be a massive task if i had to change my physical controller. Thanks again for your time

No, not Omni.
Define your rig manager alias and use that in the rackspaces as midi in.
You did that already with Roland USB 1

Now when the USB ports change or added then it could be that a new midi alias is shown in rig manager.
Ignore that and associate your Roland USB 1 with the correct physical midi device, so the entry Roland USB 1 is then in green again and you are finished.


ok that was the missing step!! Thank you very much for your help. Very much appreciated

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Thanks. Yes I see now how it works. I was over complicating for my problem but good to know for any controller change in the future.