Redundant GP system

I am thinking about using a backup Mac on stage.
My main Mac is connected to RME UFX II via usb and as a Controller I am using S88 MK2.
As a Backup machine for GP I am using a 2nd Mac and via the inbuilt audio interface it is routed to the RME audio interface.
So in case of a miss function of my main Mac, this 2nd Mac is ready to play.
But I have to connect my S88 to this 2nd Mac.
Not my question, can a USB switch used to connect my S88 to both Mac and by press of a button on the switch it can be controlled which Mac is controlled by the S88?

If the switch is ‘dumb’ enough, I think it’s possible. The switch must isolate both the macs, because back-feeding the USB-power is usually not a good idea. And GP might need some time before it recognizes the reconnecting device.

Maybe something like this:

(Dutch site, but you get the general idea)

Thx for that hint

There are some usb hubs that allow switching between multiple computers.

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or u could use a MIDI splitter
and send the midi signal to both macs by midi signals instead of USB…
u can have 2 sound cards… (one on each mac… second one can be a cheap one with midi in)
so your system will not even feel that you lost the first mac…
and u can also use a AB switch stereo lithe this one

system A is down… just click footswitch and boom… system B is working…