Recommended Controllers

As even my children can carry my self designed and built flightcase, I will perhaps require their help when getting older :wink:

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Well, while I am ready to pay for an additional set of motorized faders, this doesn’t mean that I am ready to pay for a custom Rolls Royce MIDI controller :money_mouth_face:


That’s a pretty awesome looking flight case.

I’m with you on the motorized faders, though. I eventually caved in and bought a Novation SL MKIII with 8 non-motorized faders that never have and likely never will be used. The rest of it I like, and I figured if I was going to wait for motorized faders on a keyboard I might be waiting forever.

As I’ve found an attentive audience, here’s a picture of the inside, with the VPC1 in it. I hope you noticed the place to put the hand side when carrying with one or two persons.

Regarding motorized faders on keyboard controllers, there was a Behringer and there is the Dexibel Combo J7… That’s why I choosed to add an Icon Platform M+ to my rig .

I chose to go with an iPad running Lemur instead. This gives you all the flexibility and sync options but of course you get no physical feedback which may (or may not) be a dealbreaker for you.

But that Platform M+ is really attractive too: Surprisingly small and surprisingly affordable (I would have guessed at least 500€)

Yes and Icon was quite reactive to modify the firmware for a better use within GP:

What I like with hardware fader is that you can have a quick look while playing, put your hand on it and look somewhere else again. With Lemur, that I also use, it is not that easy to me. And motorized faders were an old dream :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Totally! Which keyboard do you mean? I only know the Dexibell VIVO S9 which has motorized drawbars.

Same here. I want LED pads as buttons, endless knobs with LED rings and LCDs for the parameter names. Never seen anywhere. Now I’m planning to build such a MIDI controller myself. The Behringer X-Touch Mini is the closest thing I have found in this direction.

I tried the Panorama P6 some years ago. I liked the motorfader but no so much the keyboard itself. That’s why I kept my M-Audio Axiom Pro which is even worse and sometimes looses USB connection.

I was talking from the Combo J7:

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The other controller is the Behringer Motör:

…which doesn’t seem too Bad, at least if you look at the specs.

It doesn’t seem to be a nice Fatar keybed :grimacing:

Uuuh… this looks really, really bad. :frowning: