Recall On Activate not always working

Oh, I was hoping to avoid them at all. OK, I will give it a try :slight_smile: Thank you

Could do a little scripting do set Widgets to desired values, but I am not sure if it is worth when
Set Lists provide a solution.

Here an example gig with a set list,
When you switch between the songs you see that the widget values in the Song Parts are restored.
SetLists.gig (5.3 KB)

Another option is to use separate rackspace instead of variation for variations that you want this behaviour for. It will use a bit more memory, but it will allow you to set up the “load values” and enable the option to reset the value every time you switch to it.

Yes, sure, but it will cost one foot controller as well.

I don’t understand this, what is the difference with when switching variations. Why should switching rackspaces an extra foot controller?

As i mentioned in tips and trick today, I found a solution, how to switch between two variations with just one program change controller. Not using up and down, just pressing the same button again. But I still need unique button to change that rackspace.

This should also apply to single variations in different Rackspaces.

I think it is not possible. Let me explain… For rackspace I need PC value - and this is OK. Then I can call THE another variation from the same rackspace, but now without PC value, just by pressing the same button again - which has global MIDI binding to CC associated with the same button. GP will ignore the same PC, but will listen to CC value, which forces it to move the variation down. Beause first variation has PC number, another press of the same button will cause jump to it. It is pretty tricky to explain it even without my poor english skills.