here’s something someone might find useful.
I ended up not having to use this, so I can’t say I’ve tested this in a live situation, but I created this for a FOH/MON scenario where the monitors needed ringing out - without having a graphical analyzer at hand. The idea was to have RTA metering on the rackspace panel, large and bright, and not have to rely on a floating plugin window, that couldn’t be fullscreen.
Later maybe even build this into a FOH gig-file, with various processing as well.
I used the kHz filters, I believe they are from their free bundle, but the rest is stock -
All you need to do is connect some source (from your interface or add an audioplayer) into the RTA sensitivity block.
On the front panel there’s a knob for the input sensitivity and the frequency band Q-setting; narrow or wide, basically the overlap between the bands.
and here’s the GIG-file:
Realtime Analyzer Rackspace.gig (841.9 KB)