I’ve been using Gig Performer since April and love it! Much more stable than Mainstage! TodayI had something weird happen though… GP began randomly switching between rackpaces without anyone touching the computer. I am running GP5 on a Macbook Pro M3. Any ideas?
Rackspaces switch from, among other things, Program Change MIDI messages. Do you have a midi controller connected?
I do, but haven’t had this issue until yesterday. Was just wondering if anyone else had this issue.
Open your global midi monitor and see what might be coming into GP from your controller
There’s no magic. If everything was working properly and suddenly you had problems then something changed
Yep, also what exactly were you doing when the rackspace changed.
For example, did the rackspaces change when you hit a controller button on your controller/synth keyboard? (Perhaps changing a sound your hardware keyboard?).
Ok, I tracked it down to one of my synths hooked up to the midi hub. Is there a way in GP to have GP ignore certain controller messages from one keyboard?
You could definitely block it in Midi In Block in each rackspace.
But, maybe there is a way to do it for all rackspaces? (Don’t know).
What’s it doing? What’s getting sent? When and why?
This could be done globally with a Gig Script. What messages are you trying to ignore? More importantly, GP shouldn’t be changing rackspaces upon receipt of CC messages unless you deliberately set that up