Question on Foot Controller Setup

Hi - I am brand new to Gig Performer and really enjoying the trial- its great! As I am learning about everything GP can do, I have come across an issue when connecting my Foot Controller (McMillan 12 Step 2) which I have controlling a Cherry Audio Lowdown Plugin. It works fine, but I am getting random notes being fired off periodically when I am not playing the foot controller. FYI the rest of my setup is a Roland Fantom 07 and Arturia Key Lab MK3 Controller. All are connected to a Mac book Pro via USB and running Monterey 12.7.6.
I have tried connecting things both with and without a USB hub and same result. I also tried turning off other various event blocking check items at the plugin, but no luck there. Finally, I saved a copy of the Midi activity log too and happy to share if helpful. Appreciate any feedback from the community. Thank you!

What is shown in the global midi monitor?
Which device is actually sending the notes?
Try to connect only one device at a time and watch the global music monitor of Gig Performer. Don’t use Omni midi blocks but rather use the dedicated midi block for the corresponding controller.

Thanks very much for the reply. The Global Midi Monitor shows the 12Step2 Control Surface producing the notes and velocity on Channel 16.
I have tried one device at a time and this still occurs when the 12step is connected to the Mac… Very strange.
I am also not using any Omni midi blocks in the Rack Space.

Can you upload a screenshot of the global midi monitor window, where we can see the issue?

Hm… looks pretty normal from far away…
There is a note on and a corresponding note off, varying velocity - looks like someone had played these notes on purpose. Is it ok that the notes come in via CH16?
(Usually we have our controllers configured to CH1, if there is no other reason to change it).
Is there maybe some kind of arpeggiator active?
Do you have by any chance an adapter for the 3,5 mm TRS MIDI Out (Typ A) to 5 pin DIN?
If so, you could test what happens if you connect the pedal directly to your Fantom… if the keyboard then starts to play those notes (on CH16!), we could at least say that it’s not Gig Performer’s fault and you could concentrate further investigation on the pedal.
Maybe check the configuration details, or reset it to the factory defaults (maybe there even is a new firmware?)

Thanks - so I connected directly to the Fantom 07 (left it still on 16) and found that it generated some random notes (i.e. without pressing any of the controller foot pedal keys). While a bit fewer and further between, it still happened. Interestingly, I did update to their latest software /firmware not too long ago so its possible that may have something to do with it? Given this scenario, I have sent a support message into McMillen and will let you know what I discover. Thanks again for your help.

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Hi Erik,

Just wanted to close the loop and let you know that I heard back from McMillan and indeed the 12Step requires a new firmware update. I tested the beta for it and it seems to address the issue. Thank again for the help diagnosing.