Hello everyone. I’m a new kid on the block here, so go easy with me.
I have just recently bought Gig Performer 5 and this is the first time using Gig Performer. I am planing to use VST plugins later, but for now, I would like to use the set list in Gig Performer to change between songs using program changes to my hardware keyboards.
I have tried everything I can think of but I cant fathom this out and about to give up. Ive tried sending program changes from inserting midi out (OSC) with the corresponding set midi channel (15), but no data is being recieved by the keyboards.
I am using Windows laptop using USB to my Nord Stage 2 ex and a Yamaha Modx + 88. Both keyboards set to recieve and send on USB
Is there anyone out there that could help me out. I’m getting on a bit now and would just rather play than program.
Thanks in advance
Did you read through/try this: How to send Program Change messages out to hardware devices and other applications - Gig Performer®
Thanks for the reply. Yes I have read it and tried to follow it. I will try again as I am dyslexic and have properly missed something🙈.
Is there a video tutorial on YouTube on this subject as this would probably suit me more?
Maybe check out the foundation series?
I think your first problem is that you’re using an OSC MIDI out block. You need to use a MIDI out block that uses the port for whatever hardware keyboard you are trying to send to.
- Step 1: Double click the first song part in the song. The ‘Song Part Properties’ window will open.
- Step 2: Click the ‘Edit…’ button in order to add MIDI messages to send out when the song/part is activated. The ‘MIDI Helper Tool’ will open.
- Step 3: Click ‘Add New MIDI Event’ and go through the drop down menus to select your controller and then the PC message to send. Add another MIDI event for the second controller.
Thanks everyone. Wow. I’m overwhelmed with the help in just a short space of time.
I will have another go when I can get back in front of my gear and will let you know where I was going wrong
Many thanks everyone.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Gig Performer!