Problem with UVI Workstation

Is anyone using the free UVI Workstation, possibly with Acoustic Samples B5 on Windows 10?

One user has reported a problem validating the UVI Workstation and we’re trying to determine what’s going on. The error from validation is very odd, seemingly related to iLok (see attached)

I have the UVI Workstation (V3.0.5 x64) running on WIN 10 (1903) with no problems, but i don’t own the B5, so the issue might be caused by this…
Is there a trial version of the B5? I couldn’t find one…

They’re looking for the Acoustic Samples B5 demo. Not sure there is one.

yeah no demo for B5

THe validation is failing for UVI itself, before the B5 is involved, as far as I know

I just instantiated UVI Workstation (Win10 Home) in a blank gig file, brought up an upright, and played it no problem.

Latest UVI Workstation. Latest Win10 Home.

Did you a fresh scan in Plugin Window before?
The problem is not the usage, the problem is the scan.
So you have to delete UVI from the List in the Plugin Window and rescan.

No, the problem is that the UVI DLL is reporting an error and the scan itself is failing. We think it has something to do with iLok

Sorry, I meant that the scan process gets an error from UVI.

I’m using it with the Plugsound Pro VST. When they converted it so that it would work without the iLoc dongle, I had to contact support as it wasn’t working, and they had me download an updated version of the VST. Then it all worked fine. Could that be the problem?

Yes - I use UVI Workstation with several of their synth/piano ‘plugins’ and also Acoustic Samples B5-Organ (on WIndows). Although I have not used the B5 for some time - I don’t recall any problems. In fact I have never had a problems with UVI workstation in any way. They now have a a system called UVIPORTAL which you can download - and it keeps things up to date. It might be worth trying that to check there are no probems. Note: I use iLOK…

Also worth checking that it works standalaone (i.e. outside GP)?

It is working standalone…that is partly why this is bizarre

I use this combo all the time for the last two years and have never had a problem.

This problem has been resolved — turns out the problem was due to buggy code in a recent release of iLok’s SDK, which UVI uses. The problem was apparently impacting Cubase users as well.

So if anyone else runs into this issue with UVI (or any other plugin that uses iLok) contact iLok or the developer of your plugin to get the appropriate update.

My thanks to the UVI support team for their help in resolving this issue.

Gig Performer will keep crashing. Will load UVI, but will crash when loading sound bank. I’m running Windows 10 Home with iLoK. Have current update on iLok, UVI, and Gig performer. Don’t know how to proceed with this problem. Any suggestions? Thanks.

Do you get a crash report when this happens? If so - please click on “More information” button when you get it, then export your crash report as ZIP file and attach it here and we will take a look

Does this also happen when you start from an empty gigfile and insert only the UVI plugin? Is it a VST or VST3?

UVI Workstation is VST2 only.

I just created a new gigfile, instantiated UVI Workstation, loaded the Ravenscroft 275 soundbank, and played it after it loaded. No problems. No crash.

I’m on Win10 Home 1909 (haven’t been ‘offered’ 2004 yet). I refuse to use the dongle. Nothing but problems. I authorize everything to my PC. If that option isn’t offered (like with Slate plugins), I refuse to use them.

EDIT: Sorry. Saw the solution after typing this. That must have been the UVI Workstation update from 3.0.11 to 3.0.12 that posted a couple of days ago.

Crash report results with empty gigfile. I narrowed it down to only VST plugins.

Not letting me load the zip file.

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