Power options on Asus Vivobook

I am trying to setup a friend’s notebook. Using the wonderful guide we all know, I am not able to add power plans options.
After “powercfg” commands nothing changes on power plan settings inside Windows 11.
This is not making me satisfied about this notebook setup.
I am making some tests, I will update here about results

[blog] The Importance of the Ultimate Performance Power Plan

Maybe this can help?

I just tried but I am not able to run the script.

Here below the error message from OS:

& ‘C:\temp\SetSafeUltimate’

& : Impossibile caricare il file C:\temp\SetSafeUltimate.ps1. L’esecuzione di script è disabilitata nel sistema in
uso. Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere about_Execution_Policies all’indirizzo
about_Execution_Policies - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn.
In riga:1 car:3

  • & ‘C:\temp\SetSafeUltimate’
  • + CategoryInfo          : Errore di protezione: (:) [], PSSecurityException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess

Translation from Italian:

Impossible to load C:\temp\SetSafeUltimate.ps1.
Script execution is disabled on system in use.
For further information see about_Execution_Policies at address about_Execution_Policies - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn.
On line:1 car:3

  • & ‘C:\temp\SetSafeUltimate’
  • + CategoryInfo          : Protection error: (:) [], PSSecurityException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess

Did you run it as administrator?

Of course yes.
And I removed the block protection as explained by Frank1119

Other ideas to try → LINK

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It worked, I gave myself no restrictions and script started.
Of course now I have the maximum performance plan active.
It should be the perfect way, I will update something in some days.
Thanks a lot!


Yes, please let us know how it goes :slight_smile:

So, funny, I was coming to post this same thing.

I decided I wanted to run Fank’s script (thank you again!) on my backup computer, which is actually a slightly newer Lenovo Thinkpad P.16 (Gen 2) running Windows 11.

I had the same error. I found a website on this topic and performed the same command as the link Nemanja just gave you. It worked for me too.

So, this is a good addition to this thread, which will hopefully help other people.


It’s late night here.
We installed Numa player (free vst) to test Asus Vivobook together with his Studiologic Numa Compact X SE.
That keyboard has an internal audio board so we just tested latency and general performance.
Everything ran smoothly and without any hiccup. I even didn’t need to touch buffer size and all the settings.
In few days we will install GigPerformer in that machine to make the game serious. Premises seem quite good.
As an Apple user since 4 years I was curious to see if a PC can do the same. You need time and efforts (and community here) to get the job done.

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Here is 23:40, but Gig Performer warriors don’t sleep! :innocent:


Same time here in Italy… :laughing:

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I recently helped a friend of mine to install GP on his laptop (he’s planning on buying GP) and ran into this also. It’s a security measure, which is now by default set to rather strict. I think Microsoft changed this to improve security.


This should change the policy temporarily to execute the script once:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process

The following command would change the policy permanently (hence the more restrictive RemoteSigned) for the current user:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

RemoteSigned means that scripts not on the local computer don’t run. Scripts that are downloaded from the internet need to be unblocked:

Unblock-File -Path <script.ps1>

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You are right. Things are getting harder.
We should trace situation with Windows notebooks and keep an updated list of models suitable for our job and the right procedures to manage our tweaks.
The beloved guide here available is already not enough. The regedit thing to manage core parking does not work anymore. A new Windows notebook is becoming a real challenge…

I hope the situation is not that grim :smile:, but as there are more and more dangers lurking on the internet (to phrase it very dramatically), OS-es tend to raise the bar on security.

Regarding core parking: does the setting no longer appear in the Power Options of the energy settings?


I just sent it to permanently to remove the restriction.

I only use this laptop for GP (no one else uses it). The only time I go on the web is to get specific music apps, etc. (I do not browse the web, look up directions, etc.).

Is this any less secure than my Windows 10 computer? Is it a real risk to just leave it like this? (I know no guarantees, just looking for a your thoughts on this).

It’s just like the discussion about malware scanner/no malware scanner. If you use your system almost always offline, there’s no (real) risk of downloading a malicious script, so there should not be a problem with setting is to unrestricted.

My own system is also used in a ‘normal’ way, so I like my system to be secure. Downside of that is that I need to take measures to successfully do realtime audio processing (but I can manage this far)

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I had troubles looking for the mentioned string in regedit. There are many calls under “knob” section and there were no “attributes”. I changed only one under “power” but the core parking option didn’t show up on normal windows setting.

The next update (for Windows 12) will most likely be overhauled and tested from scratch.

Already Windows 12 on the desks? I was thinking it’s still theoretical