Polyphonic Pressure Generator

Just saw this….wonder how useful it would for users here

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He said that most usages are to use polyphonic aftertouch for the last played note.

1010nnnn    0kkkkkkk  0vvvvvvv  Polyphonic Key Pressure (Aftertouch).  This
                                message is most often sent by pressing down on the
                                key after it "bottoms out". (kkkkkkk) is the key
                                (note) number. (vvvvvvv) is the pressure value.

So I think it should be possible for GP Script to emulate that.
Or do I miss something?

Just hacked a small script, cannot test in the office

   MIN : MidiInBlock
   nn  : Integer
   ptm : PolyTouchMessage

//Called when a NoteOn message is received at some MidiIn block
On NoteOnEvent(m : NoteMessage) from MIN
 nn = GetNoteNumber(m)

//Called when a NoteOff message is received at some MidiIn block
On NoteOffEvent(m : NoteMessage) from MIN

//Called when an aftertouch (channel pressure) message is received at some MidiIn block
On AfterTouchEvent(m : AfterTouchMessage) from MIN
 ptm = MakePolyTouchMessage(nn, GetAfterTouchValue(m))
 SendNow(MIN, ptm) 
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its not a single plugin btw.

copyed from Tims page:
PPG runs as a module inside Voltage Modular by Cherry Audio .

so you first have to have that Voltage modular by cherry audio
seems the smallest one is right now free, all others discounted

Didn’t test, but should work on the last played note.

I bought PPG which runs inside of Voltage Modular as a VST3. After I instantiated PPG inside of my Rackspace, I opened it. PPG requires me to provide an input and output MIDI device which makes sense. However, the list presented lists MIDI devices that are not apparently available to PPG! The PPG documentation says that some hosts (EG: GP) hogs the MID channels. The only MIDI device that PPG would let me pick is “Real Time Sequencer” - so I selected that one. … but that didn’t work as no MIDI at all was getting passed through. Obviously, I don’t want to select a MIDI device that is not under control of GP, so what do I select as my MIDI in? Has anyone been successful with PPG or have a solution to my situation?

I don’t really know anything about this PPG but from what you describe, it doesn’t sound like it is a regular plugin but rather something that can only be loaded by voltage Modular. I assume that Voltage Modular shows up as a plugin block and so can receive MIDI from a GP MIDI In block. Is there not a way for Voltage Modular to route incoming MIDI to modules that it loads? That ought to be the right way to do this and if Voltage Modular can’t do that then, this seems like a flaw in Voltage Modular.

Otherwise, if you are in Windows and don’t have a driver that allows multiple applications to access the same MIDI ports, your only option might be to disable one of your MIDI ports in Gig Performer and dedicate it to PPG

Voltage Modular is indeed a plugin block:

and when opened in GP, it loos like this:

YES, you are correct: I have to disable a port in GP in order for Voltage Modular (the wrapper for PPG) to access it.

Looking at that screenshot, there seems to be a MIDI “from host” in your Voltage Modular and there is a MIDI section on the bottom left of the PPG module. Any chance a connection can be made between those to pass MIDI directly from the host into PPG?

Ooops - Sorry! … I changed it to my keyboard and it works now.