Plugin crash after upgrade to Sonoma

Upgraded last week and gig performer now sometimes crashes on selecting certain rackspaces. Mainly on rackspaces which are more complex and have more vst plugins.
I had to turn down the number of rackspaces preloaded by the predictive loading to get more stability. And when I turn predictive loading off then gig performer will certainly crash on loading my gig file. My gig file has around 25 rackspaces.
This seems to have something to do with memory or cpu resources, I’m not shore. I’ve split up my gig file in multiple smaller gig files hopefully to get more stability.
This is a big lessons learned, I now will install Time Machine for the next time as for me there is no way back now. And I will wait longer before upgrading or test de upgrade the next time.
I’m on a MacBook Pro 2018 with an intel chipset and 16GB memory.

Is there a way I can help debugging the issue? I ‘m not shure if the problem lies with the apple macOS update or with gig performer. But if I can help somehow determining the cause of this issue and making gig performer even more stable then I would be glad to

Need to see the crash report. It’s probably a plugin. Most plugin developers have actually warned users to not upgrade to Sonoma yet.

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I think you are right, didn’t think about that.
I’ve created a gist with the crash-report.
Hopefully you can make more sense of it then I can.

Xpand!2 is the problem

Thnx for pointing that out I now have a clue how to fix the issue. I can disable the plugin in the rackspace file and then I’m able to replace the plugin in gig performer. I’ve also found that Loom is a plugin that will crash the system.
Strange thing is that the behaviour isn’t always the same, sometimes I am able to use the exact same rackspace with these plugins and sometimes it crashes. Probably this has something to do with the way the plugin is loaded into memory.
Most of my rackspaces have no issues, but some of them are instable. But with this knowledge it is fixable.
I hope the source of the problem with the plugins will also be fixed, because I love to use them.

You can always raise a support ticket with a plugin developer.

This post is a typical example when a developer is responsive and willing to fix its plugin qiockly → [blog] How to find out which plugin crashed Gig Performer - #24 by npudar