Pitfalls when updating plugins

Maybe it’s worth sharing best practices, as I’m currently in an update process of my gigging machine.

In the last weeks we have seen a lot of threads here where updates caused some additional pains regarding plugin states, parameter rearrangements or widget mappings when reopening gig files.

Examples are

  • VB3-II
  • OP-X PRO-3
  • TAL Chorus LX

I think there are many others. So what can you do/or work around?

First (mandatory): Backups! RTF Changelogs, what to expect?
Second: find a suitable workaround or workflow how to readjust your rackspaces.

What saved my a lot of time when (only) mappings have been changed:

  1. copy your existing gig file
  2. create a new variation of your rackspace, and select it
  3. remap the corresponding widgets in this variation
  4. switch back to your existing variations
  5. delete the temp. variation and save your gig-file

With some luck this is the only rework (TAL Chorus)? Especially, if the wrong mapping has not changed any other (weird) parameter (check!)

What did you experience when upgrading your stuff?


Some other thoughts:

Maybe wait a bit so you are not the guinea pig.

If you have the luxury of having a duplicate machine, definitely hold off updating the second one until you run through all your rackspaces to see if there were any issues on the first machine.


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Yeah, it’s really a headache when the developer changes the order of parameters and they’re saving state based on that order specially when a new plugin is presented as an “update” to an existing one.

The states seem to be compatible, you can export them from OP-X Pro II using GP and then import them in OP-X Pro III. But the parameters are reordered such that is they were mapped to widgets, they will have to be remapped with the new version.

Export as GP Presets or using the plugins own preset management?

As GP presets, using the GP presets management, which means it has to be done manually. The new plugin has not the same name and installing OP-X Pro III won’t remove OP-X Pro II.

Interesting - that means they’re recognizing that an OP-X Pro III is being sent a “state” that was created with OP-X Pro II and (presumably) handling it properly — that’s really good. But if they went to that trouble, it’s a pity they didn’t retain the parameter ordering and just add new parameters at the end of the list.

That’s something I also doesn’t understand… :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Which part do you not understand?

I don’t understand that they did the effort to make states compatible, while the parameters are not anymore.

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