OP-X 2 and 3, change patch random problem

I can’t, at least not with my current gig file. It’s too large. I’m going to test tonight with a new gig file.

After more testing, this problem only seems to occur when using GP Predictive Loading, and switching between Rackspaces that aren’t currently loaded. And it’s only happening with OP-X. Other plugins seem to still load patches correctly with Predictive Loading turned on.

Thanks for the extra info. Please let Peter know the results of your experiments. It’s good to know that your other plugins are behaving properly. My guess is that it’s going to be something simple, once we figure out what is going on

Yup I’m in direct contact with him. Thank you!


Yes, the problem is, indeed, to figure out what’s going on. I don’t use predictive loading, and also had this issue randomly. But, of course it helps if it happens more often when using predictive loading.

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I have got this gig file from Peter for testing:

OPXPRO3_GigPerformerTest.zip (82.1 KB)

Could you please try to make the issue appear on the basis of this gig file ? (Activating Predictive Loading and doing what you usually do with you own gig file when the issue happens)

I did that today using two if Peter’s test gig files. They both exhibited the same issue

I simply switch between Rackspaces randomly, whether they are loaded using Predictive, or not. Either way it doesn’t take long for OP-X to start bringing up patches of other Rackspaces within the same gig file.

How are you testing ? Do you switch to a Rackspace and play it, switch to a Rackspace and play it,…? Or do you play continuously while switching Rackspaces ?

Do you activate Patch Persist in your Rackspaces ?

Once you detect that an OP-X Pro 3 instance lost its preset, is it forever or if you switches to another Rackspace and switches back to the first one, it can happen that the preset works again.

I switch to another rackspace. Wait for gig performer to tell me it’s fully loaded. Then I try to play the patch. Sometimes it’s the correct patch that’s saved in that current rackspace. Sometimes it’s a patch from another rackspace in that same gig file. It’s inconsistent. I do use patch persist…

Yes, once I noticed the patch is different it’s gone forever. I have to reselect the correct patch and resave and hope that it comes back correctly next time.

I thought it also happen when not using Predictive Loading. Does the issue happen more often with Predictive Loading enabled?

No reason to resave, you should be able to simply reload the gig file without doing anything else?

Could you please try no using it?
Also do you sometimes have several OP-X Pro 3 instances in the same Rackspace?

I don’t think I’ve seen it happen without predictive loading. I think others have said that in the forum but I did not.

Maybe I’m not sure on the save part.

I’ll try without patch persist. There are some cases where yes, indeed I do use more than one instance of OPX in one rackspace

But the test file Peter sent me only had one OPX instance in each rackspace and I was easily able to replicate my issue using his gig file.

It sure would be easier to demonstrate on a zoom call sharing a screen. That would be so much easier to get my point across.

We have other GP users who reported issues regarding patch recall with OP-X Pro over the years, but OP-X Pro benefited from several fixes in the meantime. Having other GP and OP-X Pro users (e.g. @Basty85, @SirTommes, @Krucible, @tripleB, @mikelupo, @Beatlab, @jazzundso, @ahutnick, @jeebustrain, @Milesmf, @billw, @waltercruz, @Tsunami.Warning ) testing the gig file provided by Peter, developer of OP-X Pro, in the situation described by @DKnight71 (Predictive Loading activated) would probably help to fix the issue. Thanks to all. :wink:


FYI, I just tested this same issue on my other computer, using an RME UCX II interface, at 256 samples, 44.1, using OP-X Pro 2 VST3. Easily able to replicate issue.

What is your predictive loading value? Neither Peter nor I have been able to reproduce this

  1. And I don’t go in order. I go random and wait for things to load before playing the keyboard or checking which patch is loaded.

Use 1, the issue seems to be an initialization issue of OP-X Pro.