On ControlChangeEvent not invoked when mapped to widgets

Hi all, for my first post ever I want to say a big thank you to the creators of this spectacular product that is Gig Performer!

Anyway I’m just trying to play around a little bit with GPScript and I have set up a LRS script that invokes On ControlChangeEvent (on MIDI IN) to send MIDI notes OUT to the same controller

However, when I’m mapping this MIDI Controller to a widget (for the same CC value) the MIDI event is not invoked anymore, so the notes are not sent to the midi OUT!
On MIDI Global monitor I see every time the cc signal that is raised…

Is this behavior intentional?
Thanks in advance for your help!

When you map a message to a widget, that message is no longer sent to MIDI in blocks (that is intentional) and that is why GP script doesn’t see the message.

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The Gig Script can see/respond to midi messages at the system level (prior to being used by widgets) so may be an option for you.

You need to set up an alias for your controller in Rig Manager to be able to use the Gig Script in this way.

Here’s an example using a gig script with the control change callback. Note the use of Rig Manager alias and the ‘Inject’ functions that change/pass through the midi messages that continue downstream to the rest of GP.


That makes sense, thank you

This is awesome, I’ll try this for sure!
At the moment I managed to achieve the same purpose by mapping the midi controller to the widget, and getting the value of the Widget instead of the cc value… it works anyway.

Thanks a lot everyone for your help!

Hi, Just tried with the “alias” solution above in a Rackspace script. Compilers throws this:

GLOBAL RACKSPACE (GlobalRackspace) - Semantic error in "Main": Line 7, Col 12: Not valid in this script entity. This type is only allowed in songs, scriptlets or the gig script

this means that I can’t do this in a LRS/GRS script but only at gig/song level?

A future version of GP script may allow this but we can’t put a timeframe (nor guarantee) as to when this might happen.
That said, a “MIDI Thru” option for widgets coming soon in an update might solve the problem without the need to resort to more complex scripts

Yes, that’s the way to do it in general

Yes, I just saw that in the livestream!!! Very cool!!

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