Old question,

Can anyone recall if that we can use a single widget to control multiple device parameters ?( say mapping 3 master filters in a multi in omnisphere ? To one widget) We used to have to group a bunch of widgets , but that loses space

Use scripting

Does this help? :slight_smile:

Link: How to control multiple parameters with a single widget?

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It’s Multiple widgets still, in ms I use 1 to map 5 volume sliders , guess scripting is way to go , just haven’t had time to go down that road yet

Many ways to have multiple widgets :wink:
Screenshot 2021-07-01 at 00.12.40


Ya, i know that way, but thought we could just layer a few mapping on one widget

This is a philosophical issue. When GP1 was released, there was no concept of widget groups and the otherwise great review we got in Keyboard magazine was critical of the fact that we did not have multiple mapping capabilities with a single widget.

We thought about this a lot as neither of us (developers) liked the way mapping worked in other products. Ultimately we decided to do widget groups because, that way, it became really easy to see what was changing what - something that’s much more awkward when you have just a single widget going to multiple places - very hard to see what’s being controlled.

I’m not sure it’s that big a deal to have 5 sliders (or knobs) if one wants to control 5 parameters. You could put four of them on another panel and make them really small so they won’t be in your way, for example.


Right, I agree

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i had a case when i had to control 16 parameters just by one hardwarecontrol.
this x2, …since it was two “16xparameters” sets = 32 widgets.
( serato sample / controlling two parameters, but for 16 “slices” at the same time)

i´ve donne similar “multi control” setups in ableton live, when i used to use Live as my VST-Host. it was there way way way more difficult to over view the things when returning back to check something (live 9), …or to change something.
In that sense, there is plus and minus for both approaches i fear.
While the GP approach is better “managable by the user”
But you have to get there and grasp that this concept IS your friend in fact :wink: