Odd behaviour with a Chord Maker Rackspace today

This might be a one off but wanted to go over it.
I’ve been using CM for a few weeks. It’s fantastic and a real help. I use it to help me play the brass in the song Valerie.

Today, for the first time, it wouldn’t work properly.
I use a Midi Omni in block, which feeds midi to the CM block, which then sends midi to Halion and Kontakt. Ive been using this without issue.

I have this set so when i play Eb on my controller, CM player Eb/G/Bb. Then when i play F, CM plays F/Ab/Bb/.

Today when i started playing, the correct notes were not being seen by CM on the input keyboard. . Playing Eb on the controller showed an F in the CM window as the incoming note, and it was playing F/G/Bb.
Playing the notes on the on screen keyboard worked fine.

Other Plugins in the rackspace were playing correctly so it’s not the controller sending out the wrong note.
Global transpose is set to 0 (ive never touched it), but when i ticked the option to ignore Global Transpose in the Song settings, things went back to normal with the Brass, but the other plugins changed pitch, so were now being transposed.

This is possibly only the second time ive had this. The first time i ignored it as i was busy setting something else up, and when i restarted GP it was fine.

The only thing i can see that was different today was i had switched to this Rackspace as Predictive loading was doing its thing. Maybe not important but thought id mention it.
Again, after a restart all was fine, and has been all day.

Have you been in Set List Mode or Rackspace View when this issue occurred?
In the Song Properties also a transpose is possible, did you check that?

I was in Rackspace view when this happened. When i went to Setlist mode it was still happening.
I have no transpose settings to any part/racksapce, and after restarting it worked fine.
I can’t see how half a racksapce would change.
Not a settings issue.

You also are not using the MIDI Transposer Plugin?

No, only transposing -12 in the midi in block as I’m playing quite high up the keybed.

And no widget or script is controlling the transpose?

Nope. There is no Transpose other than the octave drop in the In block.

Just to close up, this was down to the bug in the transpose system that I reported in another thread.
Ive had no issues since I realised what was happening.