No sound entering GP at all from audio interface - *SOLVED*

HI there!
I’ve tried in vain for this to happen. Very very simple. Following video at exactly 10:30 where he drags a wire or two from input to output of audio interface, and a clean signal is heard. Not working at my place, whatever I do.

Mac OS X 10.15 Catalina.
AXE IO SOLO audio interface just 2 channels. USB
RME UCX Audio Interface USB.
Not used at the same time of course.

All other programs, plugins, standalones, and DAW this works. Even Element which is a free but buggy program. I just use this as a very very simple playalong to tracks with guitar and a few plugins, and maybe some midi keyboard at select places. I can’t get a simple guitar signal flow through input to output at all. Even tried all templates. Nothing is heard. What’s worse that I can’t find any troubleshooting about this, on this forum (I’ve searched!) or anywhere else.

Did you give access on the microphone to Gig Performer?
Can you upload your gig file?

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If you search for ‘No Audio’ in the mac-os-x category, you’ll find several (but for me that was easy, because I already knew the most likely solution: microphone permissions in mac-os. Although I’m a Windows user myself, I’ve seen this question a lot on this forum.)

I agree, the search mechanism on the forum isn’t always leading directly to the answer.

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Thank you both Frank and Pianopaul. One doesn’t know what to search for because “no audio” is too big an error, which contains everything from disconnected cables, to giving access to the microphone. However, this is the first software I’ve encountered this. When uninstalling it and re-installing it again that question came up “do you want to give access to the built in microphone” which gives an option to opt out, or allow. But why TF is i there at all if it makes the program not work at all? First I can’t see the reason why the built in microphone should help at all with any DAW or HOST.

  1. When no soundcard interface is connected, and you start the program, it will default to “built in microphone” PLUS “built in speakers” which inevitably and always squeal with microphone feedback. It is numerous times I just want to check something simple when I am away from my home studio setup (i e soundcard externa mixers et al).

  2. Why on earth are they (apple? GP?) using the built in microphone as a “safety” dongle or method for “security settings” in preferences panel? You could just as well use the built in LINE INPUT and LINE OUTPUT to buck feedback annoyances. It would be a better fit.

  3. When I went into the security and intergrity settings, there were several other apps, a dozen or so “attached” to the built in microphone, but I tell you, NOT ONE of them asked me about this when installing, it bypassed it (the choice) and ticked it automatically for me, since the app (or those designing it) knew that it wouldn’t work if not ticked.

  4. So why have the choice at all when installing?

Is it working now?

The access is well documented in the documentation

Oh yes, sorry I forgot to mention that. But that was re-installation. It works now, and I am on my way. You can tag this as solved if you like. Thanks all for your help. But I still think it’s an unwieldy way to make it work. Not in any readme.txt it tells you what to tick when installing.

I’ll fix that for you: “The access is poorly doocumented in the documentation” I’d say. It says “before LAUNCHING Gig Performer, ensure that all soundcard and MIDI interfaces are connected” … well it sure was. I find a distinct difference between LAUNCHING and INSTALLING, mind you.

The following sentence about “prompting to use the microphone” says still nothing about whether it is when LAUNCHING or INSTALLING. And I can’t remember it showed up when installing first time. The second time, I saw it, yes. The dialog box does NOT show up whenever LAUNCHING the program, thank you.

That’s a Mac issue, not a GP issue!

Mac security is, IMO, extremely flakey these days, specially in recent versions of macOS.

I have had numerous programs fail to work properly even though they had already been granted access (full disk access, screen access, etc) and have more than once had to turn off that access, reboot, and turn it on again.

The prompt “some application would like access to the Microphone” doesn’t seem to always pop up. Other times, when it does, people don’t realize it refers to the audio interface input (regardless of whether there’s a microphone involved) and so click NO after which point you NEVER get prompted again, audio input just doesn’t work.

Note that applications can’t change that prompt (if they could, it would break security) and so it’s a misleading prompt. I wish Apple would say, “some application needs to allow audio input” which would make it much clearer to musicians (but might confuse users who don’t have audio interfaces and just use the microphone for zoom, etc)


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No, it doesn’t always show up, and that was my problem first on. Now I’ve learned the hard way. I can very well think its’ a Apple/Mac thing, rather than any app thing, but how can one expect or take for granted the suspicion of “it might not show up” when it isn’t anticipated in the first place?

In the short term, one might perhaps read the beginning of our user manual where we explicitly point out that you have to give GP permission for this.

It may be that we should add a popup when one first runs GP on Mac that mentions this but it doesn’t seem to happen often and in more cases than one the problem occurs because get the popup and decide they don’t need a “microphone” and so they say “No”

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