Simply wanted to do a shoutout to the new NI Kontrol mk3 MIDI controllers. Its MIDI Templates are amazing. You can create multiple custom MIDI Templates. When you link the configured controls (knobs & buttons) to GP, they’re bidirectional. They will update their value on the Kontrol display screen when you change racks, songs, scenes, snapshots, etc… Or if you make edits on the GP screen, all is immediately updated on the beautiful Kontrol display screen. Button LEDs, endless controller displays. VERY COOL.
Could you possibly upload an example template that would work for GP users?
Can you select the MIDI templates by GP (program change?)?
Absolutely. Making one now.
I haven’t found that yet.
Thanks for reporting this @EnjoyRC , this is a very big deal. I might have to upgrade from my mk2s. The shallower form of the Korg Keystage looked more appealing to me, but having these controls update even after switching rackspaces etc is so crucial to its usefulness.
Yeah, I’m interested in this as well
BiDirectional MIDI is implemented since MK1.
So this means you are currently working on a static template, or switch your templates manually?
Or are these templates sligtly dynamic, e.g. can you change labels on the NI by GP, set active/inactive of a knob etc.
I hav etons of questions, I did not find many things on Youtrube around these templates.
It would be great and very helpful if you could demonstrate your current work here!
You cannot change properties of the template via GP.
At least such things are not documented officially.
I just stumbled through yesterday.
It looks quite flexible and I think with the pages concept you could do “sub-templates”. I do something similar with my keyLab MkII and the three page buttons.
Most interesting for me would be remote call of templates (and pages!) by GP (e.g. by PC).
So if I have on/off button widgets linked to the Arturia buttons, and certain widgets are activated by default when I call up the rackspace, the corresponding button on the Arturia also lights up to show it’s active?