NI Kontakt too loud

I’m struggling with the volume of Kontakt 6. The volume of the plugin is so high that it causes digital distortion in Gigperformer.

I can only open the volume of Kontakt halfway. However, this parameter cannot be selected in the GP.

But even if I set it, I always have to do this in the plugin. Depending on the position and loaded instrument, I have to readjust. Ist very easy to bee to quiet for a solo.

Is there a simple solution, as Kontakt is used by many others here?

Thanks for your support.

  1. That’s extremely odd and unusual - what sample library are you using?
  2. Have you checked the Outputs section to make sure the faders aren’t too high?

Sure it can —


and then map a widget to it

OK you helped me a lot

  1. This is the libraries are mostly Session horns, Orchestral

3 the mapping for the the controller knob was new for me , thanks for that

2 this is the limit, if I raise the level you can here the distortion

Are you sure there isn’t something else going on?
It’s kinda hard to believe that one of NI’s own libraries would be too loud on their default settings. I’ve used that library myself and have not experienced such distortion

Seems each of my NI VSTs have their own quirks and you have to watch out for those.

Different NI VSTs use CC7 for volume (which is correct) while others use CC11 (which is actually expression). Some VSTs allow you to change the default mappings. But, you can always right click on a control (like the volume slider) and tell it to learn MIDI and then move your controller. You just have to be aware your controller may be sending 7 or 11 and that may already be mapped internally to some other function in that VST. Took forever for me to figure out why my guitar VST kept switching to solo when I changed volume. CC11 got double mapped because it internally expects that to switch solo on and off.

For Session Horns, I didn’t have to do anything special. It already recognizes CC7 as being volume. But I did have to adjust the range in the Instrument Settings to avoid overdriving the level.

I don’t link a widget directly to any of the NI VST parameters. I do use a GP mixer in every rackspace and send each VST LR output pair to that mixer and then add a slider widget to control the mix of each VST in a rackspace, even if there is only one.

So, controlling the output of the VST is like setting the gain on the mixer. Adjusting the mixer volume is like balancing the levels between multiple VSTs.

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Its pretty easy to get most of them to overdrive if you have the controller range set too high and slide the volume all the way to max. And then there are a few that you can’t get enough volume out of no matter what you do. There’s a lot of inconsistency among the various VSTs.

That said, they sound good once you get the settings managed. And one package contains everything I ever needed. I assume it’s no different getting your rackspace “just right” with NI than any other VSTs. So, I just do the tweaks needed for each song and move on to the next one.

So I followed your advices and built in the knob on the panel. So I can adjust the output to the needed level.

Thanks for you great support