New Instance Window Inaccessible


When I create a new (2nd) instance of GP, the window opens with 3 sides butted to the edge of the monitor and no access to any of the window controls. IOW, all menus and normally grabbable corners are unreachable.

Is there something I can do to escape this condition?

This in in Windows 10, with a mutli-monitor setup.

There is a shortcut, will check tomorrow.

Shift + space I think? It opens a menu where you can move or resize the window.

EDIT: it is Alt + Space.

I found one way out -

Grab the one available (left) edge and drag/move it. The window then “pops” to display the top edge title bar.

It is Alt + Space. It opens this menu:


You can then choose (say) Size and adjust it using the arrow keys on your computer keyboard.

I appreciate the follow-up!

Sorry to note that it simply doesn’t work here. (?)

I see no change when doing Alt + Space in the GP Instance window (though Alt - Space does work in other normal windows).

Hm. You’re right. It doesn’t work in the GP window :thinking: