New Blue3 from Cherry Audio


I’m very excited about it!

So am I!

As a bit of Foreplay I’m going to Hold my Head Up, thank the Lord, and go looking for my Whitest Shade of Green Onions.


Live Premiere on YouTube in a few hours collides with an important Zoom-meeting I ought to attend :slight_smile:

What to do? What to do? :slight_smile:

Has anybody already crossgraded?

Does the new CherryAudio Blue3 install in parallel to the Legacy GG Audio Blue3?

Yes parallel install is possible.
I checked, there are some differences like new eq, reverb and delay.
But missing Ambience and pre/post routing of reverb.

Seems they did not change the Leslie - which I was hoping.

Another change: you can select the tonewheels Burt you cannot fine tune like in the legacy Blue3

And I found some issues with HOST automation, I contacted Cherry Audio.



Makes reworking rackspaces easier :wink:

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Can you share more details - before opening the same ticket :wink:

OK, when you map a widget to the Cabinet Type and you move the widget, then the popup menu appears, but you cannot change the cabinet type.
Same happens with Microphone Type Settings.

I tested in Ableton Live 11 - recent version.
Some if the Parameter cannot be HOST automated with VST3, AU seems to work.
BUT: In Gig Performer VST3 version can be completely HOST automated.

I told Cherry Audio about this issues, we will see how they react

I’ve not used Blue3 - how is it on CPU? I’ve got a 9 year old MBP quad-core i7 at the moment.

CPU is very low when you use the lowest quality.
In my ears I do not hear big differences between lowest quality and 4x oversampling.

hi … a first test / compare to B-3X (using the Blue 3 DemoVersion) shows no significant difference in the CPU load (example Perfectly Stange) as long as you also use Drive / Leslie / TapeEcho … (Macbook M3 - 32GB)

related to the Quality options i can hear a difference related to the TapeEcho (again Perfectly Stange with Drive reduced): Normal vs High Quality sound to my ears very different.

I also tried to test the RA 200 Cabinet (VST 3 version) and it always crashed GP when selected … the AU version had no problem.

Overall (very first look only) i’m not impressed … Blue 3 has a nice selection of tone wheels and options for adjusting them … but the sound is only ok

I have purchased the Blue3 “legacy” version from GG Audio and it’s running rock solid since many years, so there is no need for me to get the new version from cherry audio. :slightly_smiling_face:

You are right, some features do not exist anymore.
In my ears it sounds identical.
Will see what they will improve in the future.

Which features exactly ? Did you request them to Cherry Audio?

You cannot fine tune the different tonewheel sets, only select them.
You cannot decide if the reverb is before the Leslie or after.
You do not have a setting for the ambience.
At this time no separate vst for the Leslie.
No plans for an iPad version


I am in contact with them.
They logged my thoughts about improving the fast leslie sound.


That was (and still is) my main wish for this update. Hopefully now that it’s released they can do some work on the Leslie sim