My set-up failed me again

My keyboards can run off either usb or midi din
At the moment there on usb
But I can change the lower keyboard to output on midi only
And see if it’s an usb issue

Tonight I’m using same rig as it faulted on.

Keyboards go to anker powered hub then to port on laptop

Should I try a different laptop port ?

The thing is it faults on 2 entirely different rigs - both using anker powered hubs.

One uses laptop the other uses a built in pc

Is there way to have in global rackspace some sort of midi monitor for all channels that can be seen when midi input to rackspaces is lost ?

As in this case the physical device is not present this makes no sense

Can have active sense running and see when it stops when I switch rackspace

I know that it is nasty when a gig is near and weird stuff is going on.

Don’t know how much time you have for troubleshooting, but I’d try connecting your keyboard directly to your computer and not in the USB hub.

Didn’t play up at tonight’s gig.

Yeah gonna try usb into laptop that tomz

Lost lower keyboard tonight

Going to use midi din out tomz as got a big show.

Had to re learn midi in rig manager to enable again

Sounds more like a usb keyboard error

Could not try usb in laptop as usb is hard wired into keyboard

You don’t say what make the boards are or what OS you are running, Windows definitely has USB issues with devices if they are connected and disconnected in the same PC powered session, connect and disconnect the same device many times and it will eventually fail. I seem to remember it stops when the connected devices list reaches 256 devices. Every connection will increment this count even if it is the same device. Disconnecting does not decrement the count. I found this feature when writing some device drivers for work, so we were constantly disconnecting and reconnecting eventually it failed to reconnect and required the PC to be restarted. This feature was still there in Win10.

Are the keyboards powered via USB?

I run three different rigs two power the keyboards separately. My backup boards which are two cheap mAudio boards with almost zero features (keystation 88v1 & oxygen 49v1) are both USB powered. The only thing I have noticed is when these mAudio boards are connected via an unpowered hub, if I add more devices to the hub I occasionally lose connections, I have to assume it is the power distribution from a single USB port to all the connected devices that causes the issue. Using a separate USB on the computer for each board or using a powered USB hub solves the problem.

So try powering the boards separately or if you are using a hub make sure you are using a powered hub.

One other issue noted with USB is a short disconnection and reconnection (a glitch) can cause one end only to disconnect, usually the remote device as the processing in the device much more responsive. The computer does not see the break in connection, so the device is USB idle (waiting for the initial response from the computer) and the computer still has the driver loaded with no communications from the device!!

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Win 10
I7 32gb ram
M.2 ssd
My usb is hardwired out of keyboards into a powered usb hub.

M audio keystation 61

There is a know problem with the usb on m audio - it randomly doesn’t empty it’s usb buffers- so if buffer is full
It stops sending data.

The midi port works properly- if found this out the hard way.

This is a fault with m audio keystation 61 mk 1 and 2- does not happen with mk3 models

OK, sou you’ve found yourself the culprit (I suspected here that your keyboard is the problem).

Yep that’s the culprit- now I can enjoy GP as I’ve had strange issues with that keyboard and GP .
