My Gig Performer Hand Truck Journey V 3.1

Great questions thanks , I think it’s time for a hand truck journey update , version 5 it may be , I’ve eschewed a lot of gear to lost the weight of the unit , last version was over 100 lbs , so new hand truck and completely real amp less , all modelling and 100% relying on stage monitors and front of house , just smarter and much cheaper and easier to lug around , though heavy on the programming but I like that stuff. yeah the two preamps thing is a thing and it really comes down to if it sounds good it is good , certain plugins are better at that sort of thing , it’s not a fast and hard rule , but yeah going completely without the amp now that point is moot for me anyway . I’ve used the effects loop and have some vintage gear to utilize there , I love that stuff but it’s just so heavy and cumbersome and troubleshooting it on gigs makes you look weak , why bring it anymore , the modelled stuff works as well in the box so I don’t fight it anymore . The analog wah pedal is the only mainstay, on the new build that is , just more tactile I find it has lights and controls for way range so for me that works best , the compressor I’ve always had a fetish for in the studio and or at home , upgraded the components etc , but never was effective live , always seemed to diminish the effect and just way to bothersome , now with the new setup I don’t even use compression as a crutch or an effect of any kind , I would prefer the Neural MKII+ suite. I trialed it and love it but time ran out and I’m back to using some plugialliance Suhr Pete Thorn 100 plugin for now , save up me pennies … moral of the story tubes blow , amps fry out way more often for me than computers crash , even utilizing another instance of GP4 just for synths , way more reliable than my tube amps and flexibility just blows them away , it’s over for me and real amps , I’ll toy with them at home for fun tho , not for playing out or rehearsing …