I created a series of templates (nothing fancy) for the ML Sound Labs Amped series of plugins with widgets for most of the functions prebuilt. The plugins are not the most full featured things ever so there are some features which are not addressable via widget. For example, to switch different amp types, adjust the cabinet types, and turn the cabinet section on/off you’ll have to open the plugin. There’s probably other functions too, this is just what I could remember off the top of my head.
They files are hanging on Google Docs - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oFsfNzEbLoqTE501zgW75sGeyWWVzPQu. There’s a sub folder for each plugin with a series of files contained within. I created a gig file, a rackspace, panel for the amp section, and panel(s) for the effects sections. You may have to re-map functions to the plugins, but the that should only take a few minutes.
I’m planning to do something similar for the Mercuriall Euphoria, Reaxis and Spark, and all of the Neural DSP plugins when I have time. I’ll probably do other plugins after that.
I have most plugins so doesn’t really matter. Just seeing your S-Gear I am more curious as to learn from the GUI/routing as my efforts (I’m fairly new to GP) have been underwhelming to say the least.
Thank you for the share. I’m gonna try a full blown rack of one of the Neural plugs too (I have all of them, quite the fan). Between you and @Hermon it will allow me a deeper dive to get more comfortable with GP. Regards.
I’ve converted your ML SL above converted to Neural Plini (just to give myself some practice). It is not complete, just a base to start with (I’ll add versions/edit this post to keep things clean). Neural_Archetype_Plini.rackspace (50.5 KB)
A quick aside, to do these Neurals proper a script is going to be needed. Parameters such as the EQ block are separated between the amp types in the Archetype series (lead eq, crunch eq, clean eq) making these a bit tricky (going to need more than a few “if/then/else/elseif”). I’m deep-diving into it, we’ll keep posted. The non-Archetype plugs are fairly straightforward I reckon.
The easiest way to deal with this is to just create a Rackspace for each amp type. You can switch between the Rackspaces seamlessly so it’s really not an issue.
That’s what I was thinking Chris, I’ve edited the above post that has the Plini Crunch amp variation for testing. I will delve into the scripting language this evening as a challenge.
Sounds like you’re on the right track. I was discovering the same things as you are now when I first started with GP a few years ago. The app is very deep, I’m still discovering things even after a few years of nearly daily use.