Mixing consoles whose tracknames can be modified by GP

My Global Rackspace centralizes all my audio outputs, which I can decide to send to the mixing console in stereo or as separate outputs to give the FOH engineer more control. Depending on the track, I don’t necessarily send the same number of outputs, and especially different ones, so I’d like to be able to change the mixer’s tracknames using MIDI or OSC, so that they reflect the plugins I send to each track.

Does anyone know of any mixing consoles that allow tracknames to be modified by MIDI or OSC? (I was particularly interested in Allen & Heath’s SQ series, but it doesn’t seem to be won on these models in particular).

Thanks for your help.

The only Console I know where you can name the channels and it is always visible is Soundcraft.
But I did not find a MIDI Implementation to set the name of the channel.

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You can set/change channel names in Yamaha TF series mixers. And, Yamaha’s remote control software allows the remote computer to make that change. I assume it probably uses some form of OSC in the remote application. I haven’t had need for this. But it appears “QLAB” might provide the functionality requested here.

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Well, I would rather like to change the names for each different Rackspaces/Songs.

Which model did you think of?

I use a TF5 32 channel regularly. I do the broadcast mix with a laptop in a back room while someone else mixes house on the actual mixer. I can change any and all parameters available on the board from the laptop. But I have not investigated what communications model it uses to sync the laptop.

I also use a Behringer digital mixer with my band where my laptop keyboard has the same access to the mixer as the FOH laptop. Either of us can make changes and the other sees them in real time. I assume it uses something like OSC to communicate with the laptops. But again, I really haven’t had need to investigate that.

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Thank. As the idea would be to change the tracknames with GP I will need to identify the communication protocol used.

Would it be simpler to use a small separate display/tablet for this purpose?

YAMAHA: The DM7 Series includes an Open Sound Control (OSC) server function, which enables the consoles to be controlled from OSC-compatible devices, and the DM7 Compact can be mounted in a standard 19” rack for convenience.

DM7 isn’t their low end stuff. Quite pricey.

The DM3 Series is compatible with a variety of external controls. In addition to Yamaha’s custom control panel ProVisionaire Series, these consoles support general-use communication protocols OSC (via Ethernet) and MIDI (via USB), offering flexibility for remote control.

Certainly simpler, but much less convenient and user-friendly.

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Yes, out of budget.

Yamaha DM3S - US$1700. OSC supported. What’s nice about this mixer is 96k sample rate (double that of CD and low end digital mixers). Sound quality should be on par with high end analog mixers since the high frequency distortion you get from CD and 48k mixers won’t be there. Downside is 8 physical channels strip with bank select between 2 sets of 8.

Documentation on the OSC implementation isn’t easy to find. I assume channel name changes would be available.

Nice little mixing console, but a bit too small for a band. And also not sure you can change the channel names remotely from GP… :face_with_monocle:

16 mic/line channels. My band of 6 members uses 14 channels. You guys got some stuff going on.

I ran across this which shows that you can use OSC to change the label, its color, icon, category, etc. Surely Yamaha isn’t the only one that has this feature.

DM3_osc_specs_v100_en.pdf (yamaha.com)

For now, we come to 18 channels :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I guess we would too if we had not put toms and cymbals on a sub-mixer.

It seems that the X32/M32 console support OSC (and the Wing too):

And it could be that channel names can be modified by OSC:

/ch/[01…32]/config/name string [12]
/ch/[01…32]/config/icon int [1,74]
/ch/[01…32]/config/color enum {OFF,RD,GN,YE,BL,MG,CY, WH)

Sweetwater has a big sale on all behringer products right now. X32 Sample rate is only 48k (CD quality).

The Wing is quite nice:

Behringer_Wing_&_SQ_Comparison.pdf (13.8 MB)

I am only wondering about the audio quality in comparison with A&H SQ serie… :thinking:

I have a WING in my home studio - really love it – particularly the separation of sources from faders and the ability to use the stage boxes that I had for the X32 in the past. All my synths are routed into it and then there’s a routing that connects them all via Dante to my Mac for recording/playback

Oh, really? Do you use it in one of your bands or only in the studio? What do your FOH engineer think about it?