MIDI to open chords/lyrics (CMD+H)


I what I’d call a pretty complex GP4 setup with lots of plugins and hardware routing, however the one thing I’ve yet to take advantage of is the scripting feature.

I’ll preface with saying I know absolutely nothing about programming or scripting, but reading through other topics related to what I’m trying to do, it sounds like the answer is solved by scripting or widgets? Though I could be misinterpreting.

All I’m trying to do is assign the key command (CMD+H) for showing/hiding the chords/lyrics window to a MIDI toggle button on my keyboard. While that keystroke doesn’t even appear next to the menu selection dropdown, it seems to open the chords window somehow? So it would be nice to assign it to a button for easier/quicker access.

I could be missing something obvious but can someone explain as simply as they can (like assume I’m a beginner here), how I might go about assigning that custom keystroke to a midi button?

Ignore the key command. This is a script that @pianopaul had previously posted:

Use a button widget on the global rackspace, give it the handle/name ''BUTTON" in the widget properties Advanced tab, and then paste the below code into the Global Rackspace Script Editor (Window menu). Click Compile at the bottom before closing the script editor window.

var BUTTON : Widget

On WidgetValueChanged (newValue : double) from BUTTON
  if newValue == 1.0 then
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Thank you! This may be something I’m missing but think link says: “Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.” Do i need certain permissions?

Sorry, have updated the prior post.

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Thank you for this! It worked!

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