MIDI in songs - All Songs vs. Setlist

Hi, I’m just preparing my songs for the racks I have created so far. I’m using my iPad with OnSong to map the OnSong songs with the corresponding GP (i.e. song part…) by MIDI. The basic scenario is working as expected. I can select a song in my OnSong songbook(s), and the corresponding GP song is selected in GP. OK.

So far I used the All Songs setlist.

While setting this all up I was struggling with the Setlist feature: if I create a new Setlist and select songs from the All Songs category the assigned MIDI mapping disappears? Is this by design, or do I miss something here? I’m not using this at the moment, but I want to understand what’s happening :wink:


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That is by design I think.

The last time my MIDI mapping “disappeared” was because of the plugin itself. My plugin (Keyscape) has to “enable host automation” AND also to save the midi learns on Keyscape. That way, when it was launched by GP it would be assigned. Not sure if you are having the same problem. Just a suggestion.

Yes - this is by design, but we’ll add your suggestion to somehow “lock” the song part PC numbers.
Thank you.


@patleeyc no, I think I mean something different. I use incoming PCs only to switch songs. Therefore I have setup the Global MIDI options to enable only PCs on my iPad and only on MIDI channel 1…


@tripleB - just to better understand your use case…

If you’re managing your setlist from the OnSong app on your tablet - why do you have to create / mirror that setlist in GP? Why not simply leave it at “AllSongs” because your iPad is the setlist driver here.



Good question :slight_smile: I’m in the process of switching from MainStage to GP. So my OnSong Songbooks are already filled with the PCs I’m in need of. So I’m mirroring it and use the first part of the song to jump to. In the GP songs (or songparts) I now can assign my current racks, and later on change these racks to newer ones without changing the OnSong books, or copying MIDI PCs from one rack to another.
Also I could forget my iPad and use just GP (then Setlists based on the overall All Songs collection make sense again).

Edit: so, currently I’m fine with “All Songs” - however I was curious about the Setlists not reflecting the same Bank Selects / PCs…

Makes sense - THANKS for the info!