Midi files player

I can only agree with Erik @schamass who is much more cautious than me and so I will not give the link either but these indications will lead to the right download page (I must oblige myself to the same caution, being by nature too spontaneous and therefore perhaps imprudent).

What is reassuring is that the file was virus free (at least when I downloaded it).

On the other hand, if you click on “Home”, you will see that the author of this download page is a musician and producer who is sufficiently recognized in the business and who would not like to be taken for a hacker. Moreover, although his name is not, he is an Irishman: that’s a proof of trust :wink:

This has nothing to do with it but he gives lots of good advice and tips in his blog.


Wait, what? :slight_smile:

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He is not talking about an Irishman in New York:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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