MIDI Fighter Twister Sync?

Now that GigPerformer has 2 way MIDI sync, how well does a MIDI Fighter Twister controller work with GigPerformer?

I have one…seems to work very well

Having said that,I’m mixed about the Twister itself. If has no marking on it so you get a 4x4 block of knobs/buttons and it’s hard to remember what they all do, never mind when you toggle from one set to another. I find I never really use more than a couple of knobs and I still really depend more on using an iPad

Same here…haven’t exactly figured out how it fits with my old brain. I think establishing a consistent color scheme based on instruments, controls, etc. is the key, but haven’t had time to really think about it.

I can understand all these points. Good to know… :+1: Thanx.

How is the 2 way sync? LEDs matching GP knob values? MFT Pushes sync to toggles in GP? Relative vs High Res encoder values?