Midi CC send issue

Hi guys,

I just noticed in our last rehearsal that volume changes I saved for a my external synths don´t are not set when I load the rackspace. I´m not sure if version 2.3 or the one before causes that but it worked well before.

There is a knob that controls midi cc7 to change the volume of an external moog patch. The knob in general works well. I can also save it and when I restart Gigperformerthe knob is on the correct position. But the volume of the synth is not correct. I have to turn the knob like one increment to get the right volume.

So it is like the Midi CC is not send out after loading the rackspace.

I hope that can be fixed soon.

I’m not aware of any changes that would impact this. Are you able to run a MIDI monitor to see exactly what data is being sent out?

Okay… I´m using the bome midi translator as well which has a log. I will try to find out more. I was just having a quick look and I noticed that the Midi Controller for volume is allways the first in a set of about 8 messages that are send when I switch the rackspace. I still have to check which ones the Program Changes are. Maybe the order in which the messages are send are causing the issue. The volume change should be send after the program has been switched.
I will let you know if I can find out more.

The issue is that the ProgramChange gets sent AFTER the knobs and other plugin vapes get initialized. This, most likely, resets your volume.
We will have to think about this for a bit, but what you can do now is use a simple script that will resend the widget value when you activate the rackspace which should get you the desired result.

So make sure that the knob that you use to control the external volume has a name “knob1” for example, then open the script editor and use the following

   knob1 : Widget

// Called when rackspace is activated
On Activate
    SetWidgetValue(knob1, GetWidgetValue(knob1))

Make sure that you replace the “knob1” with whatever you named your knob.

Hope this helps

Many thanks for the script. I will try that as soon as possible.

The Script works well for my 2 external keyboards so far. Many thanks for the support.