Mapping widgets in Amplitude

Hi all,

Just downloaded GP and I’m intending to mainly use Amplitude 5. when I come to assign Widgets there are no parameters stated in the midi learn section. Further more, when I managed to set some parameters buttons only seemed to turn off (Bypass) but not turn on?

Could i Please have some guidance?


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This is what I see in the Mapping section for Amplitube 5. What do you see in that section?

MIDI learn is not for mapping plugin parameters to widgets

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Hi ibbt
Have you mapped the controls to parameters inside AT5?
(they still read Parameter 1, Parameter 2 etc inside GP as EDM’s picture shows, but you can control them now…)
You can do this by ctrl clicking the knob

or via the hamburger menu top right corner of AT5

at a guess, reverse the polarity and disable momentary touch…

Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 20.29.43

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This is all amazing stuff guys, will be trying all this when I get home. :index_pointing_at_the_viewer::index_pointing_at_the_viewer::+1::+1: i will report back.