I’m fairly new to GP. I’m trying to map the upper and lower keyboards on the Blue3 Hammond plug-in to lower and upper splits on my Keylab 88 midi controller.
I am baffled by how to assign the notes of the lower keyboard to a split. I imaging I’m missing something obvious but I have put in the obligatory due diligence before posting.
Welcome to the forums – this is very easy to do. See the large picture at the bottom of this post. The trick is to use two Midi In blocks, one of which is set to receive notes from the lower section of your keyboard and the other which is set to receive notes from the upper section of your keyboard.
Now, Blue3, by default receives on MIDI channel 1 for the upper manual and MIDI channel 2 for the lower manual
Then, assuming that your keyboard is always sending MIDI events on channel 1, what you need to do is map MIDI channel 1 to MIDI channel 2 on one of the MIDI In blocks (depending on whether you want the upper manual on the right or the left)