Mapping Cherry Audio Pro Soloist Patches

I’m still a relative newbie so please bear with…

I’m watching the entry level videos (very helpful) and I saw the video where a Kontakt organ vibrato switch is mapped to a switch widget in GP. I followed the steps to map switches in the Pro Soloist to a widget using the Portamento switch as a way to learn how to get it to work.

The mapping was fine up to a point and I’m clearly not understanding something either about the VST itself or GP.

The challenge was in turning the Portamento switch on via my MIDI controller, the VST switch responded by switching on and off. I wanted the VST switch to be on when I press it once and off when I press the same button again.

When mapping parameters for a patch there are two options

219 - Portamento (Upper)
220 - Portamento (Lower)

  • How do I get the VST switch to stay in the ‘on’ position when I press the MIDI controller button?
  • Do I need to use a variation for the ‘off’ position?

As you can tell I’m slowly getting my head around this (!)

For the record, I have a Valhalla Vintage reverb set up in the Global Rackspace and can control the Dry/Wet Mix and the Patch from the MIDI controller and it works just fine. So, some progress.

Thanks for your help.

You’re almost there and doing everything right so far.
You need to switch on “momentary to latching”.

The missing step is described here:


Thanks @Florian I will give that a try this evening. Almost there!