Many Note off Messages from MIDI File Player (MFP)


I have a MIDI file that send out block chords, nothing fancy.

Instead of seeing a Note Off sent for each Note On, I’m seeing the entire list of 128 Note Offs get sent every time.

Can anyone tell me why this might be?

Here is a small .gig file that shows this behavior.

MIDI File Test 01.gig (13.2 KB)

Check out your midi file in an editor to see exactly what is being sent at that time.

OK, not a GP issue at all - It is a file problem.

Long lists of Notes with Velocity: 0 are present in the data.
I don’t know why that is, but I tested with different players and some players emit those notes and some do not. I was fooled somewhere back along-the-line by a player that did not emit that data on playback.


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