Maintaining correct song position with Ableton Link

I am using Gig Performer so switch and start scenes in Ableton Live by sending OSC messages to a ML4 Patch I made by myself.

So when I press Play on my S88 the global Play is triggered.
In scripting I have a callback which checks if the Playhead is enabled and sends an OSC message to Ableton Live to fire the selected scene.

When I change a rackspace I send a different OSC message to Ableton to select the correct scene.

This is working perfect for my use case.

And with LINK enabled the tempo is synched between Ableton Live and Gig Performer.
In my usecase Ableton Live is the Master and GP is the slave - for the LINK thing.

Yo9u can take a look here
[Solved]”Sync Start/Stop with Ableton Link” and Live 9.x not working