We had some discussions/observations recently: Is it possible to get Xpand2 to work on m2 Sonoma
Very good question!
My learning is not to install everything I could get, and focus on some plugins. Have an eye on them and read release notes before updating anything - or just wait some days
Update step by step and check carefully any side effects / check affected rackspaces
Most important: never ever update close to a gig…
I think “Never touch a runnin’ system!” may be a little bit too restriced, but still counts…
Or even better “Never run a changing system!”
I’m definitely in this club when it comes to my important/critical workflow. When I turn on these computers, stuff simply must work.
For experimenting/testing I have several other computers just for that purpose. On these computers I research whether something is worth updating and what are the real benefits of updating.
Been burned by updates lots of times so I now know better.
Any news on using Sequoia?
Just updated my office iMac which is also a test system for GP to from Sonoma to Sequoia 15.2
No issues so far. Anything to have an eye on?
No problems on my Mac.
None on my Mac Mini either.
Upgrading to 15.2 was a disaster for me.
My main dev machine is an Intel Mac Pro — lots of RAM (96Gb), terrabytes of SSD space, two large displays, etc.
Upgrading to 15.1 seemed to be fine some months ago. However, upgrading to 15.2 essentially killed my machine and even after I gave up and brought it to Apple who “claimed” they fixed it because they were able to install 15.2, they actually hadn’t - they just brought it to the point where you type in your apple ID and that’s where things were failing.
To cut a long story short, after installing 15.2, the system couldn’t see most of my USB ports nor my second screen. I couldn’t even type a password in using a keyboard that was explicitly plugged into it. Supposedly there is an option in preferences to “Allow accessories to connect” but that option doesn’t show up on my Intel Mac Pro (it shows up on my laptops!)
After wasting (as of now) 4 days where I couldn’t do any real dev work, I finally managed to get it back to Catalina (which was what it originally came with) and up to Ventura, which is what I had been using until recently.
Fortunately I have backups of all my data and applications so I just have to restore as much as possible to get back to business.
What a headache!
Puh, bad Christmas present
As said, I recently upgraded my intel Machine directly from Sonoma to Sequoia 15.2.
Maybe I only had luck?
Seems, I should wait for some more reactions… intersting to hear what caused this on yout machine - if you ever find out…
I’m a newbie but no problems on my MacBook Pro m2. Ive also been running other apps such as Unify and Studio 1 simultaneously to test for sys load and conflicts.
My bet this issue only impacts so,e older Intel machines
It makes you wonder whether Mac isn’t losing the battle for stability and reliability to Windows, which seems to me to have been a long way behind in this area. Every time a Mac update appears, musicians seem to put their heads in their shoulders…
Honestly, I have been wondering this for some time — my sense is that Apple’s QA has really dropped the ball - all you have to do is observe how quickly an update shows up after a new OS is dropped.
OK, finally I took all my courage and did the Seqouia 15.2 upgrade on my M1pro MBP
Everything went OK. I had some other side effects like
Synology Drive Client App lost some permissions permanently, which could be fixed with the support of the Synology community (I did not have this issue on my intel iMac…)
macOS decided to set the sample rate of the internal mic to 44.1 and the output to 48. when running Song Master Pro and switching to the external interface I also use in GP running at 48 it got changed to 44.1 - result: VST instruments detuned… fixed it by setting everything to 48 and restart. Contacted John at Aurally…
minor permission renewals for other apps, network access etc.
Besides this everything up and running!
Since just getting into GP few days ago and installed on my Mac M2 Pro running latest build of Sequoia I can say its been buggy. At times it will work great then have strange things happen such as my audio settings suddenly decide to get reset despite saving them. I am using an aggregate sound device that includes my Apollo X6. or other times I load a gig set and choose a song and then its just a blank gig set and have to reload. Sometimes the globat volume input , at the top of GP, does not affect anything and at times it will. erratic behavior overall.
Sounds like a permissions issue.
While by “it’s” you probably meant GP but having moved to Sequoia myself recently, Sequoia is full of problems. Their permissions stuff is seriously broken, I have apps that ask for the same permission every time they run even though the apps already have permission. It has been a real PITA
GP is probably being impacted by permissions issues as well….but we have thousands of users running GP on multiple macOS versions (including 15.x) without issue so the permissions stuff is also only impacting some users.
I assume you are running the Apple Silicon (Universal) version of GP and you are not trying to load any plugins that are still Intel, or drivers that require Rosetta.
yeah I do think its more a Sequoia thing as i’ve noticed some small issues running other applications since updating. I’ll check my permission settings later see whats goin on. A.so yeah running silicon universal and not using any rosetta or intel driven apps/vst’s etc
Thought I’d update here as I was working in another DAW and having some strange issues happening with my interface. My gut tells me there’s some bugs with seqouia and perhaps UA interfaces (mine is Apollo X6). I was getting very strange behavior especially while using aggregate device (apollo + axe fx 3) even in my other DAW. Reopened GP just using my Apollo and no Aggregate instance with much improved performance but still not perfect but at least workable. It was nearly unsuable trying aggregate whilst working with ableton and GP at the same time.