Hi - I am looking for a case/rack to hold my laptop and audio interface as well as a couple more things. I dont see much info on what people are using. What do you all use?
I dont like the SKB 2U Studio Flyer Rack Case. I feel it’s a bit too flimsy with those front and rear covers, and I dont think the laptop holders will stay in place over time.
I like something like the SKB iSeries Injection Molded Fly Racks. But I dont think there is any room in the case for a laptop (?).
I looked at Circle Three designs. A bit pricey. I emailed them about the laptop size they can fit. They’re made for MacBooks and would not fit my (windows) laptop (15 5/8" x 10 3/8").
SKB 4U iSeries Injection Molded Guitar FX Fly Rack is intriguing because it has room on top for a guitar effects pedal. This might be enough room for a laptop, but I’d probably have to add a little foam / padding to make it more secure.
I didn’t see anything I liked from gator cases. They have 1: ATA Laptop or Mixer Case Over 4U Audio Rack. But it doesnt look like it would hold up as long as some of the other SKB/Pelican (<- Circle Three) cases. I guess there is an option to get a dedicated case just for the laptop, but it would be nice to consolidate it into the audio interface rack. One less thing to remember while packing up.
Any thoughts? Thanks!
I have had cases from Pelican, Gator, SKB, built two of my own from DIY Road Cases parts - all have advantages and disadvantages as you note. However, I have pretty much settled on/am using cases (and parts!) from Soundtown. I built my last mITX computer into a drawer unit in a Soundtown case, but it could just as easily be configured to accommodate a laptop. A number of their lightweight ABS cases have cast in moldings to hold a laptop on top of the case as well as several sliding type of laptop drawer configurations. I am including a link to Soundtown’s Amazon store which I personally find more useful than their website. I’m sure you will get several more responses as this is a common and personal important consideration!
I built this rack a few months ago, all hardware is velcro-ed and can stay in placed, wired and all. In the back of the rack is a door to route the power cable, FOH and midi. Solid as a tank but very heavy. I had to modify the notebook drawer to make the laptop fit under the cover. The drawer holds the spare laptop and other small parts. Finally there is a lot of foam glued under the lid to keep everything shock proof.
It may be stronger than you think…
My 2u Studio Flyer survived being yeeted out the back of my car when it was hit by a drunk driver at load out. Car was pushed up the kerb and some distance down the road.
Everything inside was fine and there is only a small scuff on one corner of one lid.
The laptop will mostly be held by the foam in the lid when it is closed.
Forget the car - was that you who were almost hit?! Scary stuff!
Hopefully you are safe!
Yes, that was me at the back of the car. I was/am fine. A miss is as good as a mile! Nothing worse than a scuffed knee and some astonishment. This happened way back in 2021.
and, getting back to the point, the case is still going strong
Do you find the cleats still hold things well after a few years, on top?
If you replace them at each car crash, probably!
Well enough, yes. In transport everything is held in place by the foam in the lid.
My solution was to get an SKB 3i-2217M103U, and then cut out a little foam in the bottom to custom fit my laptop. Using a little foam left over from an SKB keyboard case underneath the laptop
I’m also very happy with this case. I added a rack shelf in the inside and gaff-taped my interface to it, and also gaff-taped a power cord, the laptop power supply, the interface power supply, a USB dongle for my iPad with power and a MIDI interface, and various
USB cables etc. to surfaces inside the case, and then the laptop sits on the top shelf. The tape job is a bit ghetto but everything seems pretty sturdy. And yes the velcro cleats do just fine… when the lid is on, everything (including the iPad which just rests unattached on top of the laptop) is held down very securely by the pressure of the foam. For travel I wouldn’t dare check it with my luggage (besides, I guess laptops and iPads with Li-ion batteries can’t be checked) but as carry-on I think it’s perfectly safe.