KORG nanoKONTROL 2 issues


I bought a KORK nanoKONTROL 2. And created a template rack for GIG Performer.
I’ve te issue, that the first slider and first “S” Button (left from the slider) will not be learned.

In MIDI Monitor the button will be recognized as “CC32” and the Slider as “CC0”.

All other slider and knobs work fine, just this both :frowning:

Thanks in advance

Those two MIDI CC’s are “reserved” by Gig Performer, and by this not mappable.

You have to choose some other CC’s for those controls.

@Toni82 the search exists and is handy :wink:

Some more info from other posts

Thanks a lot!

Remapping the Midi Controllers CC0 to C8 and CC32 to CC40 work for me. I also change the button mode to Momentary, so the LEDs glow.

Is there a possibilty to sync, when led buttons are pressed on the computer? The leds don’t sync with gig performer (nice to have)


For the mapped widget there is a button named sync.
Enable that.

I did, but it doesn’t work :frowning:

So you have to check if there is a setup to be done for the nanokontrol 2.
Seems you have to enable LED mode on the nanokontrol.

I had to change LED mode from Internal to External.

Thank you again!


I followed and used this thread to help create my first ‘synced’ light button on my Novation Launchpad for muting/unmuting my headset mic via my XR18 and it is VERY cool. If only I could do the same for latching and lighting on notes I map from other buttons on my Launchpad… without scripting it. My gpscript skills are still pretty rudimentary

Have the same problem with Faderfox UC44, I cannot adjust Encoder 1 and Knob 1 to anything, because of CC0 and CC32. Remapping is not an option, because the controller can switch in 16 banks. Is there no way to change this behaviour (as a flag for a special setting)?

You could do this with a Gig Script

  MySurface : MidiInDeviceAlias // Define MySurface as an RigManager alias to the real surface 
On ControlChangeEvent(m : ControlChangeMessage) Matching 0 from MySurface
    InjectMidiEventViaRigManager(MySurface, WithCCNumber(m, 1)) // Change any CC 0 number to CC 1

On ControlChangeEvent(m : ControlChangeMessage) Matching 32 from MySurface
    InjectMidiEventViaRigManager(MySurface, WithCCNumber(m, 33)) // Change any CC 32 number to CC 33

Note that doing this will prevent Gig Performer from responding to CC0/32 bank select


What happens when you additionally inject cc 0 and cc 32?

Well, then moving a slider on the control surface would not only show up as CC1 (or CC33) but it would also end up doing a bank select - which you probably don’t want!

New to this topc…I put it in a scriplet, compiled it and got this error: °Scriptlet (Scriptlet) - Semantic error in “Main”: Line 4, Col 4: Not valid in this script entity. An explicit plugin name is not allowed here°.
Is this the right way to implement the code?

Can you show your code?

@pianopaul: I pasted the code from above (dhj) in a scriplet and compiled it…


" You could do this with a Gig Script"

Why did you use a scriptlet, that makes no sense.

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Yes, I said a Gig Script, not a scriptlet!

Sorry, new to this script things…
Thanks @dhj and @pianopaul for the instructions, got it to work.

KORG KONTROL Editor works well to remap the CC# on the hardware side before it gets to GP to change things like this.